Chapter 7

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Over the next few days things had been rough. Mr. Banks tried fighting the decision but, it didn't work. McGill and the rest of the hawks were treating Adam and Su like crud because they were going to be D5 well actually the changed their name to the Ducks. Today was game day and I wasn't really looking forward to it. My Mom had to give Adam and I rides because Mr. Banks wouldn't. And once we got there it wasn't as good either. We stood outside the lockeroom wondering if we should go in or not.

"We might as well go in Adam, we do have to play with this team." I said dejectedly

"Fine, but there probably going to hate us," No duh, we treated them like crap. So we walked in and all conversation stopped. The entire team gave us glares. Just then the coach came in.

"I'm glad you to came." Yeah you're just glad you have two good players.

"Yeah whatever, we just want to play hockey." Adam answered for the both of us. Then one of the Ducks stood up.

"On behalf of the Ducks…." But he was interrupted by someone else.

"Just because you're putting on a jersey doesn't make you a real Duck." And with that he walked between us to get out of the lockeroom and everyone else followed suite. Except the coach who stayed.

"They are a great group of kids when you get to know them." Right…

"Well suite up and I'll see you two on the ice." We looked around and saw our jerseys.

"What's your number?" I asked.

"99 and yours?"

"26" I responded.

"Well that was a good way to start off the game." I had to give a little laugh at that. So we got suited up and went up to the ice where the coach, actually called Coach Bombay gave us instructions. The game was going badly at first. No one would pass Adam and I the puck, it's like the want to lose. Finally someone passed it to Adam and he scored. That seemed to be awake up call for the Ducks and they started passing us the puck. We actually won, and even though it wasn't with the hawks it still felt good. Heck even a couple of the Ducks said good game to us.

When I got home I decided to make a list of all the Duck players, and their personalities by what I saw of them tonight.

Charlie: nice, only one who tried to be nice to us, kind of a spazz.

Jesse: Hates me and Adam with a passion.

Connie: Tough, likes Guy, tall

Guy: Shy, likes Connie, short, ugly green hat

Averman: Thinks he's funny, likes to announce.

Karp: Chubby, acts all tough

Goldberg: Funny, good goalie, likes Philadelphia

Peter: Really short, tough,

Terry: Jesse's little brother

Tammy: Can't stand being called a guy, figure skater, girly girl

Tommy: Tammy's little brother, random

Fulton: Scary, has a really cool shot, tall.

Well that's all for tonight, can't wait for another game.

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