Chapter 6

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The bombshell happened a few weeks later. Me and Adam had gone back to being best friends again. Me and McGill went back to hating each other again. Everything was normal as usual. Until our game, we were all on the ice getting ready for the game that was about to start when coach called Adam and I over to the sides.

"You can not be serious." Said coach to someone that I remembered as D5's coach. Just then Mr. Banks came down.

"What's going on, I'm Adams father and Su's neighbor." He said.

"Is this your address?" A man I've never saw before asked.

"Yes, and that's Su's address as well." Mr. Banks said clearly confused.

"It turns out these two are playing for the wrong team." What! Adam and I shared a look as the man went on.

"They should be playing for District 5." Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

"If they do not play the will be illegible to play this season." They couldn't do that to us, could they? Then the D5 coach started talking.

"I expect to see you too, at our next game. We'll have jerseys waiting for you." That's all he could say. He doesn't even care that he is splitting us away from our team. The coach walked away and our coach told us to get back on the ice. As usual we won the game, but this victory felt hollow. Mr. Banks gave me a lift home, and well lets just say it wasn't a pleasant one. When they got to my house I said goodbye and got out of the car.

"Mom, Dad, I have to talk to you!" Soon my parents came from wherever they were in the house.

"Hi sweetie how was the game?" They asked not knowing what had happened.

"Adam and I can't be hawks anymore." I looked up to see their shocked expressions.

"Why can't you?"

"Because were playing for the wrong district. It turns out that Adam and I are supposed to be on District 5." I said sadly. Stupid District 5, and stupid District 5 coach!

"Oh, Su we're so sorry. We know how much you loved being a hawk." They said trying to sooth her.

"I'm just going to go to bed, ok?" They nodded their heads like they understood what I'm going through. Only one person knows what I'm going through and he's right next door. I decided I would call Adam and talk to him. I grabbed the phone and dialed the all too familiar number. After about two rings Rose the Banks maid answered.

"Hello. Banks resident, may I ask who's calling?"

"Hey Rose it's me Su." I responded.

"Oh hello Miss Su, would you like to talk to Adam?" She still calls me my nickname of Miss Su.

"Yes please."

"Hold on." I waited a minute or two before I heard.

"Hey Su." Adam sounded tired, and I realized he probably was just in a fight with his Dad.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"So we're not hawks anymore." I said sadly.

"Nope, even though my Dad is going to try and fight it."

"You don't sound too happy about that."

"It's not that it's just… never mind." There he was shutting me out, well I'm not in the mood for it today.

"C'mon, what were you going to say?"

"I don't care what team I play for, I just want to play." He said desperately.

"I know how you feel Adam, I don't care about winning I just want to play." We then lapsed into a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.

"Looks like I have to go Su, talk to you tomorrow?" He asked.

Yeah, night Adam."

"Night Su."

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