Chapter 3

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"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Su screamed into the lockeroom.

"What are you screaming about girly?" Asked McGill not so kindly. But she didn't care she was a hawk.

"I'm screaming McGill, because I'm a hawk!" She yelled right at his face.

"You have got to be kidding, you're a girl!" Not wanting to hear him whine anymore she walked over to her bag to change.

"See I told you, you would make the team." A voice behind her said.

"Adam!" She gave him a hug.

"I can't believe it, I'm a hawk. The first girl hawk ever! You also made the team too." She said waiting for his reaction.

"I did!" She nodded yes. So they hugged again.

"How do you know?"

"Well, when I was talking to coach, he said you're the best on the team, and that I'm just barley below you. So If I made the team, you have to as well." Adam had the biggest smile on his face ever.

"My Dad is going to be so proud of me." He said

"Yeah, when we're done changing lets go figure out our positions."

"Ok." So when there were done they went out and checked, they were both forwards. Then they went outside to wait for Adam's Dad to pick them up. Soon enough Mr. Banks came and pick them up.

"So how were the tryouts?" Mr. Banks asked clearly wanting to know if his son was a hawk or not.

"It was good Dad, I made the team as a forward." Adam said clearly happy with making his Dad proud.

"That's my boy." Mr. Banks said cheerfully.

"What about you Su?"

"Oh, it was aright." She said coolly. Adam snickered trying not to laugh.

"Just aright? Did you not make the team?" He asked confused.

"Yeah I made it, I'm the first girl in hawk history. I'm like already a legend and the season hasn't even started yet!" She yelled. Mr. Banks laughed.

"How bout some ice cream for you two?"

"Yeah!" We yelled.

"Do you even have to ask Dad?" While we were driving we went past a pond full of kids on it playing hockey, not very good either.

"Hey, who are those guys?" Adam asked.

"That's District 5's hockey team." Mr. Banks said. Me and Adam couldn't help but laugh.

"It sure will be easy taking on them, whenever we play them."

"Yeah." So after that we got ice cream and I got dropped of at my house, to tell my parents the good news.

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