Clown Price of Crime

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The lights went on. I took out my headphones and blinked a few times and looked over at my BFF who did the same. Suddenly a high pitched noise went off in random beeps.

"It's morse code!" someone yelled.

My teacher stood up from her seat in front of the bus and went down the isle making sure none of the emergency exists were accidentally open. None were. The beeps suddenly stopped.

"Anything strange happening on the other buses?" The bus driver asked.

A gun shot was heard over the stereo from the other bus. Screams followed.

"SHUT UP!" a voice said over the radio sending shivers down my spine.

Everyone looked around in panic. The bus driver started picking up speed a bit. The lights flashed again.

"Hello? Is this thing on?" Said that strange voice again.

"Yes, Puddin!"said a high pitched, very heavy New York accent.

A loud slap was heard, a cry, then a thud.

"I told you NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" A deep breath was taken, "Aaaannyway, hello to everyone on the other buses, I am the Joker."

Everyone looked around. We had all heard that name in the news and the papers. We lived pretty close to Gotham, about an hour away. But none of us had imagined Joker would come here.

"If you would kindly pull over no harm will come to you or the people on this bus." We all knew this was a lie, but the bus driver pulled over anyway.

Some of the parents stood up in protest, but the bus driver simply said "We can't just leave them to die" and they sat down.

About two minutes later there was a knock at the back door of the bus. Me and my best friend were in the back seat. We both looked at each other.

Then I turned around and saw a very pale face staring at me. The man had ruby red lips, no eyebrows, and strange silver grills on his teeth. The person also had neon green slicked back hair. We stared at each other for a moment, the only thing between us a door.

"Could you open the door? It's cold out here!" Joker said with an oddly attractive smile.

I looked at my friend, the people sitting across from me and then back at him. I stood up and opened the door.

--------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. Hope you enjoyed!

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