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016 | The sign as Otakus

- Aries - ♈
↪ makes anime rants about crappy anime

- Taurus - ♉
↪ the one with all the body pillows

- Gemini - ♊
↪ #proudtobeaweaboo

- Cancer - ♋
↪ always watches all the depressing romance anime that leave you in a fit of feels

- Leo - ♌
↪ Y A O I

- Virgo - ♍
↪ undercover yuri fanfic writer

- Libra - ♎

- Scorpio - ♏
↪ the emo otaku.

- Sagittarius - ♐
↪ watches hentai and is proud.

- Capricorn - ♑
↪ the "anime critic"

- Aquarius - ♒
↪ the youtuber that plays anime visual novels.

- Pisces - ♓
↪ the anime artist who draws the fanart that leaves you fangirling/boying


⏩: Anime world you belong in based on your zodiac signs

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