Bang, bang from the closet walls

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Found this photo on google or Facebook. Either way it's great. I hope you like this chapter but it's getting depressing. Sorry! I'm doing this as I go so hope it's not bad.
Cas' POV

I sit there frozen staring at Dean's body. He looks terrible all bloody, bruised, and lifeless. I snap back to reality and quickly search Dean's pockets finding his keys and picking him up.

I sprint to the car but take caution not to hurt Dean anymore than he already is. I put him in the back seat of his impala and go to the driving seat. I go to the hospital not caring that I'm speeding. When I get there I pick up Dean and run inside.

"Hey help! Help I need a doctor!" A nurse runs up and sees Dean and immediately calls a doctor. They get a hospital bed and wheel him to a room. They tell me to wait in the waiting room.

What feels like two days which is actually thirty minutes a doctor comes out walking towards me. "Is he okay? Is he awake? Can I see him?" He holds up his hand to stop me.

"He is in a coma. No telling when or if he will wake up," he says with a grim look. My vision started to get blurry and I felt like throwing up. I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes. "No! No he can't be in a coma! He is in that room awake with a smile on his face! This is a dream!"

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch away. "May I see him?" I look up at him and he nods his head yes. I get up shakily and go to room 221b. I walk in and almost fall again.

Dean has cuts all over his face, a broken arm and leg, also from what the doctor said a few broken ribs. I feel tears run down my face again as I go up to him.

I sit down in the seat next to the bed and grab his hand. "Oh god Dean, how could I let this happen. I should have been there with you. Now you're on the verge of death." I put my head on his arm and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up the next morning with a cramp in my neck. I sit up and rub my neck and eyes. I look up at Dean's lifeless form. I realize that he's wearing a mask on his mouth to help with his breathing.

I put my hand on top of his and vow to come everyday. I hear someone walk in and turn around to see the doctor. "Does he have any other family?"

"Um... Yeah he has a brother and a dad, but he's on a business trip," I say grimly. "Okay do you know his brothers phone number?"

"Yeah I can call him if you want." He looks at me and nods his head. "Yes, I think it would be good for him to see his brother." He walks up and checks the machines before walking out and leaving me alone again.

I call Sam and tell him what happened. Ten minutes later Sam rushes in and bursts into tears at seeing his brother lying in the hospital bed. I walk up to him and hug him. "I'm sorry Sam it's all my fault I should have been there with him."

He looks up at me sniffling. "Cas, from what you told me it wasn't your fault," he sniffs again and goes over to his brother.
I continue going there everyday after school. Never once missing a day. Sam comes and visits at least once to twice a week. He's scared to see his brother go. The doctor asked me and Sam if the plug should be pulled. I ended up punching him in the face.

I was then escorted out of the hospital not allowed to come back till the next day. Which I did come back. I continued going for five months when I started to get hallucinations. I kept imagining Dean waking up. The hospital tried to get me help but I refused.

The doctor then gave me a choice to get help or to leave the hospital for a week. If I chose to get help the I would have had to stay away for a long time. So I chose the ladder.

I stayed away for a week and when I came back and felt better. I stopped having the hallucinations and was able to stay.
It has now been a year since Dean went into his coma. Every once in a while I think that it doesn't matter anymore. That he will never wake up. But I never stop going to see him.
It's been a year and a half the hospital has tried to convince us to pull the plug but we won't. Sam is now 15 while me and Dean are 18. Sam is in 9th grade and me and Dean are out of school.

I spend most of my time at the hospital until I'm forced to go home.

It's Wednesday now. I'm sitting in Dean's hospital room watching tv. I'm looking at the show not really paying attention when I see Dean twitch out of the corner of my eye.

I look at Dean to see if it will happen again and sure enough his finger twitches. "Come on Dean, you can wake up," I say with tears in my eyes.

Finally his eyes begin to open and he starts gagging on the tube in his throat I hit the nurse button and a nurse hurriedly comes in seeing he's awake more doctors come in and they shoo me out of the room to make sure he's stable.

I go to the waiting room and pace again. I pace and pace till a doctor finally comes out. "He's stable and would like to see you." I hurriedly rush to his room and see that he looks much better.

"Hey Cas," he says in a whisper making me cry to hear his voice. I run up to him and hug him afraid that this is a dream. I pull back to Dean looking at me confused. "The doctors told me I was in a coma. But how long was I gone?"

"A y-year and a-a half," I manage to say. He looks shocked, "I'm so sorry, Cas."

"Why are you saying sorry? Dean those a**holes put you in here. You didn't do anything," I say as I put his glasses on his face. "Sorry," he says looking down. I kiss the top of his head and was about to sit in the chair when Dean grabbed my wrist.

"Lay with me?" He scoots over as I nod my head. I lay down with him and we both fall asleep in peace.
Yay! He's awake! Okay I'm thinking a couple more chapters. Hope you like them. Bye

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