What god could d*mn a heart

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Trigger warning
• Bullying and maybe other things. Not really sure yet.
Deans POV

The rest of the week went by fast. I didn't talk to Cas much after that night. Sure I saw him in class, but we didn't speak.

It was Friday now and I'm in English at the moment.

I sit in my seat and wait for Cas to walk in. I want to know what time he's picking me up. I get pulled out of my thoughts by a person walking in, but it wasn't Cas.

I slump back against my chair when Crowley walks in. This isn't his class what's he doing here. He starts walking towards me looking angry. The teacher isn't in the room yet either so I'm doomed. I look down at my desk to avoid eye contact.

"You come here!" I slowly look back up at him. The room is now silent and everyone is looking at Crowley. "Did you not hear me? Come here!" I slowly start to stand up shaking. As soon as I do he grabs my arm, making me wince, and pulls me towards the door and out of the room. He takes me to an abandoned part of the school.

"W-what do you w-want?" I look at him with fear in my eyes. After saying that he punched me in the gut. I double over in pain. He brings his knee up and knees me in the nose. This hurts a lot since my nose is still broken.

"So heard you're going out with Cas. Well you better not or I will snap every bone you have." I look up at him, but with fire in my eyes not fear. "Why do you care?"

That was a mistake he throws me against the lockers as he says, "don't ruin every other persons mind you f*g." He throws me to the ground and starts kicking immediately.

I look towards the end of the hall as someone yells, "hey!" I see them run forwards and punch Crowley. Crowley falls on the ground but not unconscious. "Dean hey, are you alright?" I look up at blue crystal eyes. Cas? He helps me up and I lean against the locker. I look behind Cas as Crowley comes running behind him. Before I can tell Cas to get out of the way he gets punched in the back of the head.

Cas quickly turns around after getting the hit and punches Crowley in the face. He puts him up against the lockers as he yells, "you stay away from him! You ever come near him again I will kill you!" He punches him again in the chin.

"Cas please stop." It barely comes out in a whisper. He continues to punch Crowley. I try to be louder as the tears come. I hate seeing him this mad. He's actually scaring me. "Please Cas stop." He finally hears me and stops.

He pushes Crowley away as he says, "I hope you learned your lesson. Don't come near me or Dean again." Crowley scrambles off the ground and runs out of the room.

Cas comes up to me and hugs me as I hug him back. "I'm sorry. I should have came sooner," he whispers in my ear. I'm still crying as he picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the school.
Ok oops unexpected turn of events. I promise date next chapter. I didn't mean for this to happen! Why did this happen?!

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