A weightless step

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Okay this chapter should be fun to write. Doing this off the top of my head. So if someone gets hurt, I'm sorry.
Dean's POV

I'm scared to go to this party. But I'm also really excited. This is my first party and I'm going with Cas. I'm not sure what it's going to be like, but I'm hoping it's fun.

Cas drove us to the party since I wasn't sure where it was. When we finally get there Cas looks at me with a smile on his face. "You ready Dean?" He's bouncing up and down in his seat. I would laugh at this if I wasn't so scared.

I was really happy, but now that we are here I'm petrified. Cas saw the scared look on my face and be comes concerned. "Dean, baby, are you okay?" I nod really quickly unable to speak. "Come on we'll get a drink. Then you will feel much better."

He smiles then gets out of the car. I take a deep breath and look at my clothes to make sure I look okay then get out of the car.

We walk up to the door and Cas knocks. The person who invited us opened the door, a little tipsy, and says, "hey, glad you could make it." He walks inside and we follow suit.

"Come on let's go get a drink." Cas drags me to the kitchen and grabs two random cups. He hands me one and takes a drink out of the other. I look cautiously at my drink and smell it.

"Dean it's a drink you drink it," Cas laughs at me. I give him a wary look before taking a sip out of my drink. I feel the drink burn all the way down my throat. I scrunch up my nose and Cas laughs at me again.

"Have you never drank alcohol before?" I look up from my drink and glare at him. 

"Yeah so? I've never been to a party so I've never drank. Also my dad is a alcoholic and I've never wanted to go that way." 

He frowns as he says, "oh. I'm sorry Dean I didn't know."

I smile at his concern. "It's okay Cas, but is this all you do at a party is drink?" I try to lighten the mood. He smiles at the change of subject. 

"No. We dance, drink, and hang out. Come on."

He drags me over to the dancing people and dances while I just stand there awkwardly. "Dean you gonna dance?" He yells to me with a smile. 

"I can't dance." I say sheepishly loud enough so he could here me. 

"Hmm... Okay here if you can't dance crazy then how about slow dance."

He pulls me into him and puts my hands around his neck, since I'm shorter, and his hands on my waist. He pulls me close so that I'm leaned against his body and he starts rocking us back and forth. "See your dancing!" He says with a chuckle.

After a while Cas takes us back to the kitchen to get more to drink. "Here try a beer instead." He hands me a beer and I take a small sip out of it. It wasn't as bad but it still made me scrunch up my nose. He laughs and gets himself a random cup.

I finished the beer a bit later and felt tipsy. I started swaying on my feet and Cas laughed. "Can't handle alcohol well, can we Dean," he says it with a smirk. 

"Shut up, Cas," I slur through my words.

"Well Dean, I've had two cups of stronger things than you. But I feel fine." He smiles his smile and I go up to him and kiss him hard.

He kisses me back just as hard. He pushes me against the wall never breaking contact. He pulls away from me and says, "Dean not here." As I try to take off his shirt. I stop and lean against Cas. 

"Please," I whisper in his ear.

"Dean, I can't. You're drunk I'd be taking advantage of you." I sigh but don't move from my position. I feel myself getting tired and yawn. "Do you wanna go back to your place, Dean?" I nod and he picks me up. I would usually try to get down but I was too tired.

He puts me in the car and gets in the drivers seat. I lay against the window and fall to sleep. I wake up a little while later by Cas roaming my pocket. I guess he's getting keys. Cas finally finds them and picks me up again.

I hear the door open, but keep my eyes closed all the way to my room. When he lays me on the bed and gets in himself I snuggle up against him. He laughs a quiet laugh and I fall to sleep again.
I wake up the next morning with a terrible headache. I groan in pain and hear laughter in front of me. I open my eyes and see Cas in front of the door.

"Good morning sleepy head," he says with another laugh. I groan in response and he comes over and gives me a peck on my nose before setting something down on the bed stand. "There's some water and ibuprofen for you. Also I made some food. It's down stairs if your hungry." He leans back up and leaves the room.

I grab the pills next to the bed and down them with the water. I sit up in the bed and get very dizzy. I stop moving so my head can stop spinning then finally get up. I go down stairs and smell burgers.

I go in to the kitchen to see Cas waiting there. "What time is it?" Cas thinks about this for a bit before deciding an answer. 

"About twelve in the afternoon, why?"

"Nothing just curious." 

I sit in a seat and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my neck. "How about after eating we watch a movie," Cas whispers in my ear. I look around to him and smile.

"Sure" I say back. 

"Okay, here is a plate. It has a bacon cheeseburger and fries." He sets it in front of me and grabs his plate to. 

"Wow. Thanks Cas."

"Ehh. Just thought I'd be nice since I was the one who made you drink." He shrugs and begins to eat his burger.

I start to pick at my fries. "Why are you picking at the fries? You didn't eat last time I was here either." 

I look up at my food and say, "no reason. Sorry." Then take a bite of my fry.

I smile at him and he shakes his head. "Okay then." We continue to eat until we are both done. "Come on let's go watch that movie." Cas drags me upstairs and puts in a movie. He sits on the bed and pulls me on his lap.

The movie starts and we watch.

Before I met youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang