Chapter Sixteen

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Matthew Raines came to for the second time. There was a crunching and screeching of iron, and through his blurred vision he saw that Woolsey was busy trying to bar the gate with anything she could find.

"Good! You're up. Help me!" she yelled.

Raines struggled to his feet. "What's going on!" he shouted.

The gate of the warehouse flew up, pitching Woolsey back onto the floor. She crashed next to Raines.

"Good question," Joshua announced, flying into Woolsey's face with amazing speed.

Woolsey sprang to her feet in a split second and kicked Joshua back into a pile of storage containers that came crashing down on him. She saw Raines hovering near her. "Get back!" she yelled at him. She spun around to see Rebecca advancing on her and knocked the vampire back with a punch to the jaw, lashing her in the temples with her gun.

As Rebecca staggered, Woolsey spun round and kicked her in the stomach, sending the fledgling crashing into the concrete floor, her 9-mm firing shot after shot at lighting speed at the already bleeding vampire.

Rebecca yelled out in pain and Woolsey saw that at least two of her bullets had landed in Rebecca's shoulder.

Joshua climbed to his feet. "Damn, this bitch is good!" he muttered. "Sorry, darling," he said, turning to Woolsey. "Usually, I'd bite you. Hell! I'd kill you, but my sister says no, so—"

Woolsey pulled another gun on him with her free hand and fired several shots in his direction, but he readily dodged them with his preternatural speed.

"Goddammit, woman! How many of those do you have!" Joshua exclaimed.

"Enough silver in here to put you down," Woolsey answered, scoping out the room. "I'm not going to let you hurt this man!"

Joshua got to his feet for the second time in mere minutes, holding out his arms to show he meant no harm. He measured Woolsey who was guarding a cowering and terrified Raines, each of her guns trained on the two vampires. "Good. Then, we're on the same page. By the way, these may be the last words you ever hear. So, I just wanted you to know, you're a real turn-on," he grinned.

She pulled the trigger. The gun fired. The bullet hit one of the storage containers. She turned around. The place was empty save for her and Raines. The wounded Rebecca was gone, her blood trailing the floor where she had been lying.

"What the hell just happened!" Raines screamed. "Who the hell was that? Where'd they go?"

"Shhh!" Woolsey silenced him. She listened. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Raines trembled.

"That. Someone whispering. Do you here it?"

Raines shook his head, "No..."

All went black for the both of them. They staggered, swooned and hit the floor of the warehouse in the next instant.

Joshua emerged. "You know, this is the first bitch that ever made me hide to do a spell," he lamented. "Are you okay?" he asked Rebecca, inspecting the wounds in her shoulder.

"Yeah. You?" she grimaced, obviously weakened and in pain.

"Apart from my bruised ego..." he nodded. "Take Raines. I'll take Woolsey." He looked at Rebecca's wounds. "I'll see to that in the car," he assured her. He reached for Woolsey's body but hesitated for a minute, checking her over. Moments later he threw her over his shoulder and smiled at Rebecca, visibly embarrassed. "Just to be on the safe side. As I said, the bitch is good."

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