Chapter Thirteen

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Karen Woolsey jabbed at Counselor's Raines' brow. "Hey! Hey! Come on, wake up!"

Raines groaned and rolled over. "God!" he grunted in pain. "Wh... where am I?" His vision blurred. His head ached.

Woolsey slammed down a can of beer next to him. "Hey, feel special. You've got the Undead after you. Not a lot of people can say that." She laughed. "Jesus! You look pathetic. You never stood a chance."

"Hey, lady, what's your problem!" Raines groaned. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Saving your life. You're welcome, by the way." She lit up a cigarette, looking at Raines with absolute and unmasked pity.

"Look Woolsey, I don't know what's your game, but...' He looked around. "Where am I!" he asked incredulously.

"Warehouse, Seaport. We're safe here for the time being, not that they couldn't sniff us out if they wanted to. Frankly, you're the only reason I'm not going to them. Listen counselor, I know this is weird, but I need you to trust me."

"Weird? Weird! You friggin' kidnapped me! What the hell did you put in my neck any..." Raines suddenly fell silent. He seemed to drift off somewhere.

"Hey, you all right?' Woolsey asked, holding him as he blacked out momentarily.

"You felt that?" Raines murmured, looking disoriented, his eyes coming and going from reality as if in a strange euphoria.

"Felt what?"

"I have to go," Raines whispered drowsily. "I have to go... I gotta go..." He got up half-struggling against Woolsey's powerful hold. "I have to go..."

"Hey! Hey! We're not going anywhere!"

"No, dammit! Don't you understand? I have to go!" He pushed against the hunter, but he was still too weak to fight.

Woolsey knocked him back with a swift punch, realizing moments later that she had knocked him unconscious. "Well, counselor... nobody said I'd get the thanks I deserve for this job."

She sat back, checking the holsters around her waist and shoulders out of habit. "You just sit tight." She searched the floor for her cigarette, picked it up and drew on it. "And you're still welcome."

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