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Syler awoke the next morning on his bathroom floor. The room reeked of vomit, which he guessed is what woke him up. It wasn't a pleasant smell to him, not at all. He crinkled his nose at the stench before attempting to sit up. Immediately he wanted to vomit again, his stomach felt like it was turning itself over in circles, and he sat for a little, anticipating another episode of puking, and before he knew it, he was leaning over the toilet again, puking his guts out it seemed. Syler wanted it to end, and soon it did. He finally found the strength to get up and flush the toilet, hoping it wouldn't clog up. He then washed his mouth out and brushed his teeth. Syler grabbed some air-freshener from one of the shelves in the bathroom and sprayed the room, hoping the smell of vomit would leave. He also forced the window by the shower to open, so the smell could air itself out before the smell leaked into the vents and all around the house. Syler took a piece of his shirt, and smelt it. He gagged at the smell, so he decided to take another shower. He undressed and quickly climbed into the shower. The outside humidity made breathing feel like a difficult task, in and on its' own. Syler forced himself to breathe easy and keep a rhythm along with it. He washed his body from the smell of vomit, cleaned out any burn scars and he washed his hair, which was still shedding massively.

Syler finished with the shower, and he quickly got out. He dried his body off and put on a different pair of basketball shorts and a Reflections shirt. He left his hair down so it could dry. Syler walked into his room and checked the time quickly. 11:45 am. His mom would be going upstairs and yelling at him soon, so he quickly hid the dishes that he had used, and he planned he would slowly bring them down, so no one would say anything, or start getting suspicious of his actions. Syler anticipated the angry knocking of his mom once she'd realize he hadn't eaten yet, but really, Syler didn't want to eat, he felt too sick to even think of food. He sighed. His body just felt shaken, and it was still trying to recover from the night before, and the thought of putting more into his body just made him want to puke again.

Syler knew he couldn't smoke, so he just sort of paced his room out of nervousness until his mother stomped up the stairs to notify him how it made her feel that he had not eaten yet. He heard the stomps, and the loud knock soon followed.

"Syler, it's almost noon and you haven't eaten yet." His mom said, irritated, and Syler sighed.

"I'll be out in a second." Syler said, and he heard his mom sigh and stomp back downstairs. He texted Lauren about the show later to confirm that she'd be there, and then he finally made his way downstairs. Syler was dreading facing the kitchen, especially after the night before. He slowly walked towards the kitchen. The anxiety of the situation riding high, and he wanted to puke again, just out of anxiety. His hands trembled as he walked into the kitchen. Syler just wanted coffee if anything at all. He grabbed a mug and poured some of the coffee that his dad brewed in the morning into the mug and he added some milk into it, and this was all he wanted, especially after last night's encounter, but he knew his mom would be riding his ass about food all day if he did, but he'd deal with that aspect for the day. He had agreed with himself that he would. Syler walked back upstairs and was stopped by his mom, which made his heart beat again, he knew he'd be chewed out for not making food, but again, he was ready to deal with the nagging.

"Syler, coffee isn't breakfast." His mom nagged, and Syler shrugged.

"I'm not really in the mood for food." He said, hoping she wouldn't take offense to that, but he knew she did just by her facial expressions.

"Do I need to worry about you?" She asked again, condescendingly, and Syler shook his head.

"I ate food at like 3 am, ok, I'm fine for now." Syler explained, his mom didn't buy it, she sighed, rolled her eyes and shook her head all at once. It was quite a sight to Syler.
"Fine, go have your coffee in peace. I'll stop caring, you're old enough to make your own decisions." His mom said, admitting defeat to Syler's antics.

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