Chapter 1

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It was a cold December day as I made my way to the campus bookstore. It was a good twenty-minute walk from my dorm room. I had told myself before I left the walk would do me some good, I needed the fresh air after being cooped up for the last two weeks studying for finals. Between the barely salted sidewalks and my chattering teeth I was starting to regret walking to the bookstore.

As a soft snow started to fall around me, I pulled my black pea coat tighter around my body. The snow was absolutely breathtaking, just like in all the Christmas movies I've watched growing up, making me wish for years that I could experience my very own White Christmas. To be honest, now that I've experienced snow first hand, I was starting to see it's ugly side. No matter how beautiful the snow looked to me, I still couldn't and probably would never get use to the crisp, cold, wintery air.

There were only four days until Christmas and the campus was completely deserted––well almost. Everyone had gone home for Christmas break two days ago and I was probably the only soul that wasn't either going home for Christmas break or on vacation. I had gone home for Thanksgiving break and couldn't afford to buy another plane ticket home to Florida.

Even though this break was going to probably be the loneliest break I'd ever had, I was going to make the most of it. I hadn't had much time to read since August and was excited to finally have time to read.

I pushed open the bookstore door, instantly feeling warmer. I breathed out with a smile, a bookstore was always like a home away from home for me, even if it was just a campus bookstore. The aisles of a bookstore were the best aisles to find and even lose yourself in. My absolute favorite place to be in the whole entire world. If I could, I'd live in a bookstore. I pulled my black gloves off to reach into my purse for my list to begin my quest.

Spotting the latest copy of my favorite Romance novelist, Haven Rae Jasper, I walked over to the bookshelf.

I was beyond excited about this one––it was Jasper's very first Christmas novel titled Christmas Under the Mistletoe. The novel had been out since October, but I was waiting until now to read it. For two reasons: for one I hadn't had much time to read since the beginning of the semester between homework and studying and the second reason...who wants to read a Christmas book in October?

I reached out to grab the book, but instead of grabbing the book like I was expecting to, I grabbed a hand that belonged to the very attractive, Colin Carter––the guy from my Art History class.

"I'm sorry," I said, pulling away. I was so focused on getting the book that I didn't even notice him standing there.

"This book must be pretty good, if you're going all black Friday Godzilla on me," he said, grabbing the book up off the shelf. "But, just so you's not the last one, so I think you can take it down a notch," he whispered the last part as if it was a secret.

"Oh, really? Well thank you Captain Obvious." I snapped, a little annoyed by the black Friday Godzilla comment.

"So much for taking it down a notch," he replied with a bemused grin.

"Sorry. I haven't had my coffee today." Colin's adorable grin instantly making me feel guilty for snapping at him.

He nodded, placing the book into my basket full of books. "Do you have enough books?" He asked.

"Nope," I replied with a serious face. "You can never have too many books, Colin Carter. Especially, if you're me and that's all you'll be doing over break. I'm Ann by the way."

"How do you know my name? We haven't met before have we? Because if we did, I'm pretty sure I'd remember you."

"I'm a part-time psychic." I teased. "We had Art History together."

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