Very blind girl Dad! Jacksepticeye X Child!Reader

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Sorry for not posting we just moved and there was no internet.

Reader's pov

I continued to play with my doll has i walked to the park to go back to the little swings, I go there every day. Just to get away from mom and dad's fighting, ever since sis had passed, mom and dad were mad at each other. They were blaming it on each other but, only I know that sis faked her death, why you might ask, well cause she knew about mom sleeping with other men. She told me that I wouldn't understand but I did, ever since then my green head dad has been sleeping with people as well. I soon got to the park and ran to the swings, I began to play with the mom doll sis had made me before she 'died'. I began to act as if the doll was saying ' i love you to me', that was something she never said to me anymore. I looked to my left and saw a happy family, I hopped off the swing and crawled inside the big climbing dome. Soon I began to feel sleepy, I started to slowly begin to close my eyes in tell I was asleep.

*~time skip~*

I soon woke up to the sun shining in my face, I saw my doll was still where I left it, right next to me. I began to crawl out of the dome, oh how I wish I hadn't, once I got out of the dome.............. I saw dad and a little girl holding hands, laughing and smiling. He never did that with me. I dropped my doll and ran to a river, has thoughts ran through my head saying that my parent's never loved me and how I was worthless and so many other things, soon I found the train I was looking for, I used the last of my money to get a ticket and got on the train. It took 12 hours until ( the Whole day) I got off the train and walked to the river sis faked her death in, I walked into the river and fell down. I woke up at the park, I was playing hide and seek and tag with my green headed dad and my blonde haired mom.

Jack's/sean's pov

I was back at my wife's house, oh how I wish that I could stay at my girlfriend singe's house with our daughter, I walked in and saw my wife in front of the T.V crying her eyes out. I rolled my eyes probably just upset about another man she had sex with, I walked in and sat on the opposite side of the couch, then I heard the newsman says 'y/n l/n found in a river drowned, most likely suicide' I watched has a picture of my daughter popped up. I wrote down the hospital name and address, i grabbed the keys and told my wife she's coming with me.

*~time skip~*

Once we got to the hospital i ordered them to take me to my daughter, i watched has she told me the room number and said that y/n had dropped a picture. She handed me the picture, it was of me and christy with y/n and her older sister Aspyn, we were at the pool having a blast. I began to run to the room number, my wife following close behind me. When we got in the room y/n was in a hospital bed, wires everywhere, they each lead to her breathing figure. My wife began to cry into my chest has i mumbled 'come on y/n please wake up can't lose you too' has i cried. I watched has her the heart meter went to a straight line, my wife screamed and ran to the hospital bed, yelling " please wake up you can't go PLEASE". I closed my eyes till i heard the heart meter go back to normal, i ran to the bed and looked down at my daughter, i watched has y/n opened her eyes and mumbled 'mom dad', she reached her hand up and we grabbed it gently with ours. We both hugged her, has if we let her go we would lose her again.

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