High school(mithross)

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Summary: when Ross is picked on in high school cause he's a neko, aspyn comes and saves the day soon max falls for Ross.

Ross's POV

I watched has Aspyn skated on her ripstik (I have one) with the crowd of people watching, Aspyn is the popular relbel of school and doesn't wear make up. (aspyns me) While aspyns nice her brother max is a bully, well step brother. I watched and watched in tell I get push against the wall by no other then max, aspyns step brother, his friends start to beat me up while he sits there and watch's like normal, but something stops them. It was aspyn, she had made a LOUD ear bleeding sceech with her vans that had old school game conturls on them. The bully's were going to beat her up but she did the oppiste and beat them up, after all aspyn was half tazzy tiger (tazmaium tiger) so she had sharp teeth and a jaw that could open wider then a normal human and neko jaw. She had scared them off, "hey you OK" she asked me, I nodded my head yes, "I can tell your not" said the dirty dish water brown haired girl. She put me on her back and took me to the nurses office, she also asked if we wanted to be friends
Me and aspyn have been friends for awhile, she's saved me from bullys and I think I might have gotten a crush on max, she's trying to help me with the whole max thing, "so Ross there's a party at my place wanna come, its come as you are" she asked me "sure why not AD" I told aspyn using her nickname at the end
I was at the party and we were plating truth or dare, "max truth or dare" Matt said "momma didn't raise no chicken dare" max said.

Maxs POV
What Matt said next would change my life forever but I didn't know that "I dare you to play seven mintuies in hevan with ross without Aspyn protecting him" Matt said, me and ross walked in the closet. Then I said " you getting to know my sis" he whimpered at the sound of myself,'am I that mean to him' I thought to myself I watched has he began to cry, the only reason why I was mean to him was because I have a crush on him. I walked to him and hugged him, he started to cry onto my shoulder, I lift up my head had he did the same, then I smashed my lips into his, at first he didn't kiss back but then he started to. We broke apart and I said "i love you Ross" he said "I love u to max"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~an its hard to write these for the first time dang

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