Chapter 9 Mom funeral

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Clarisse POV
I had my Mom funeral later that week. The rain pouring down endlessly.  Some men in military uniforms did shots in the air and one handed me a folded up flag.

I stayed there after everyone left and my Mother was buried. I looked at the headstone seeing the rain staining it.

I took a breath slowly letting it out. I was really done with life. All it brought me was heartache. My Aunt Kailey was waiting on me  as I stood there watching the rain fall.

When I was done I turned around seeing  My Dad and my Aunt talking.  When I was closer I could here them arguing.

"So this is how you treat your niece? You don't even comfort her." My Dad said through his teeth. "Oh like you could do better." My Aunt attacked. "Kailey you didn't just lose a sister I lost a friend." My Father told her. Which quickly shut her up.

My Aunt turned away from him getting in her car and drove away.

"There goes my ride." I thought to myself. I looked at my Dad seeing him still glaring at the car.

He looked at me his angry expression wiped away from his face.

"Hello Sweetheart" my Father said as if the argument with my Aunt never happened. "Hi Dad" I answered back.  He smiled.

"Lets get out of here." My Dad said once more  leading me away from the graveyard and too his car.

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