Chapter 1 My Life as an Ares Camper

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Clarisse POV
Being a child of Ares for me is never easy. Do you want to know why? I am portrayed as the Protector, the Leader, the Fighter. And I'm not complaining, oh no. It's just to every upside their is a down.

I now realize that their just stupid kids but when I was little it broke my heart to hear it. Their was and still is a bunch of rumors running around that were spread by Annabeth and Drew.

They would always tell people that my Mom left me as soon as I was born due to disgrace. And that I'm only my Dad favorite because he feels sorry for me.

Sometimes I would believe them but they weren't true. My Mother was in the Army before she had me and you can bet that's where she met my Dad. And we'll you know how the rest of story usually goes.

My life at Camp is not all that bad sometimes. If I think about it. But my Dad is all I got.

It usually starts the same everyday. Early morning training, breakfast, more training, lunch, teach sparring, Capture the Flag, deal with Annabeth and Drew stupidity, Dinner then repeat.

Unless I'm needed at Olympus which takes all day. Which is fine by me. I do not mind being away from Drew and Annabeth.

But they always do something to make fun of me.

Like I said being an Child of Ares is never easy.

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