Chapter 5 Getting WarHound

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Clarisse POV
I got my first best friend on my ninth birthday.

It was just my Mom, my Grandma and me. My Mother was on the last day of her leave when my birthday rolled around. I knew that after today I wouldn't see her for five more months. Yet I try not to think about it.

We lounged around and watched movies while eating popcorn. And for dinner we had fried chicken and fries. It was the best.

When it came time for me to open presents I never excepted much. Their was only two things on the table. A card and a small box.

I opened my Mother one first. It was my Dad dog tags he had when he met my Mom. Even though I never met my Dad they were special to me. My Grandmas was just a birthday card with a Hundred dollar bill in it. I decided to save it for a rainy day then spend it all at once.

Even though I only got two things I learned at a young age to be grateful for what you have. Because it can be taken away from you just like that.

And I'm not complaining because I know my Dad dog tags meant a lot to my Mom and that hundred dollar bill did not cheap.

I just felt happy that they even remembered my birthday. After opening my two presents I was going to say my goodbyes to my Mom who was leaving that night when the doorbell rang.

When we opened it a small dog crate with an envelope inscribed with my name was on it.

My family and I were both confused when we saw a black St. Bernard puppy outside our apartment. Yet we brung him in anyway and I just couldn't get the letter open fast enough.

Dear Clarisse,
I want you to meet WarHound. As you could tell he's only a few weeks old but I thought you might like a friend. So I thought with your Mom being gone all the time you can have someone to keep you company. Please do me a favor and take good care of him for me.
I love you Kiddo.

I smiled thinking about my Dad who remembered my birthday. WarHound was only around five to maybe six weeks old but I didn't care I loved him.

My Mom said that there was no way that I could keep him but I didn't listen to her. He was mine and I wasn't going to give him up that easy.

My Mom really could say anything she wasn't going to be here for the next five months.

We ended up keeping him and we've been friends ever since.

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