It's on

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Back in the forest, Jed had his hand on Matt's mouth preventing him to yell out for their father. With tears in his eyes, he looked at Ella. She was shaking with rage.

"That son of a bitch is mine." She stood up and ran towards the cabin, loading her gun. Danny tried to catch her but he wasn't fast enough. Matt calmed down seeing his little sister run to the cabin. Jed kept cursing.

"Why aren't you going after her?" Toni whispered. Jed and Matt looks at her and back at the cabin.

"She's a trained assassin for the american soldiers. She knows what she's doing. I hope." Matt answered. The Captain Cho leave and some soldiers set fire to the cabin. Jed saw Ella hiding on the side of the car.

"What the hell is she doing?"

Ella had her gun ready. She took a deep breath as she sneak behind a soldier. One of the soldier saw her and yelled out. She held the soldier by the neck with the her arm and shot the soldier who was about shoot her. The soldier in her arm was struggling to get out. She pulled the trigger aiming for the last soldier and broke the neck of the soldier in her arm. She dropped everything and ran to her dad.

"Dad!" She screamed with tears in her eyes. "Daddy! Don't leave us! We already lost mom and we can't loose you!" Jed pulled her off of their fathers chest to his chest. He hugged his little sister like he was afraid to loose her too. He looked at his father and into the sky.

"Babygirl" He started, calling her with their father's nickname "Dad is with mom now. They're finally reunited once again." He felt her snobbing slowing down. He looked over at Matt who was looking at the ground. "Let's go." Toni and Julie came and took Ella. They walked back to the truck which was stuck in mud. They all tried to push it out but no luck. They heard helicopters, everyone hides.

"Guys, what are we even doing up here?"

"My parents are still down there."

"I'm worried something's going to happen to my dad. Maybe he could help us." Daryl said.

"He can't help us."


"He chose the other side. He just stood there while our father got shot."

Robert took his backpack and started walking away.

"Robert." Toni called out. "Your parents isn't down there. I saw them. Im sorry, I didn't know how to tell you.."

Robert looked heartbroken. He kept silent and He stood there for a few second before starting to push the truck. Ella looked at Robert. She felt sad for him. She patted him on the shoulder and gave him a sad look. He just gave me a look and kept on pushing.


For the pass few days, Jed and Ella trained their team. They trained them in everything. To shooting guns to first aid. Ella was sitting on a rock, watching the combat Jed was teaching. She stood and brushed off the dirt.

"Jed, I'm going to get some weapons. Ours are not good."

Jed looked at her, stopping the combat. "It's too dangerous. I'm going with you." Ella lift up her hand, "Stay. you have to train these guys. Mom didn't train me for nothing." She took her gun from the rock and waved at them. "If I'm not back by sunset, come get me."

Hours passed and the group finished training. And they're now waiting for Ella. Matt was pacing back and forth.

"We have to go find her." Jed looked at him and at the sun. It was sunset. He nodded.

"Everyone, get your weapons." While everyone was suiting up, Jed was loading his gun. He took deep breath and thinking about his sister might be in danger. He heard a gun click. He froze. He sneaked a glance at his team. They froze as well. Too scared to look behind them.

"You all would be dead." They heard familiar voice say. They all turned around and sigh relieved. They saw Ella holding on to two guns pointing at them. Matt went to hug her. Ella was standing on a rock, a few scratches here and there. She had a few guns on her shoulder and a bag besides her.

"Don't get your hopes up. There's no vest or anything. It's food from subway." Everyone smiled and rushed to the bag. Ella removed the guns from her shoulder and walked to Jed. He gave her a pat on the shoulder and kissed her on the forehead.

"I told you not to worry, Jed!"

"I can't help it. Its an older brother thing."

She smiled before pulling his brother towards the others.

"Leave us some, you animals!"

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