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The leaves on the ground were rustling as a cold breeze blew. Ella looked at her watch. It was 2 am. Time went by fast. She looked at the stars again and turned back at the house. She saw a figure carrying a bag. It was Pete. She quietly stood up and walked towards him. As he put the bag in the car, Ella stood behind him. She took the knife from her jacket. She kicked him on the shin and he fell down. She twisted his arm to his back and stepped on it. She pulled his head up and placed the knife on his neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" He chuckles. 

" I knew I couldn't trust you." She banged his head to the ground. "Answer the damn question."

Ella was suddenly thrown on the ground. Her knife was kicked off in the woods. Pete straddled her and started punching her. Her face was bloody now. She punches him on the rib and pushes him off of her. She breathe deeply before punching him on the face. She grabbed the silent gun she had in her boots and shot him on the leg. She turned around not realizing that Pete stood and started walking towards the house. She felt pain behind her head and black out.

-In the morning-

Jed woke up and he instantly had a bad feeling. He took his shotgun on the wall and looked around. He noticed that Pete wasn't there and the food was all gone. He almost hit him for not looking for Ella last night. He woke up Matt.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked as he saw his brothers furious eyes.

"That asshole Pete took off with all the food. I need you guys to take anything we can use, put it in the truck and hide it in the woods. And that prick knows where we are so keep your eyes open."

Toni got up. "Where's Ella?" she asked. Jed looked her then at Matt. "Matty, come with me. Let's go. Get up."

The two brothers walked out of the house while the others gathered everything they can.

"Do you think Ella betrayed us like Pete did?" Matt asked. Jed looked at him.

"Why would Ella do that?"

"Dad didn't tell you? Ella grew up fighting and guns. Mom didn't tell us because she knew we would freak out. Dad didn't even know until he read the letter before she died. That's why we hardly saw Ella before, everytime mom said she was at a friends house, she was actually trained."

Jed looked at him in shock. Why would their mother do that? What was her reason? They needed to go back home. He heard a groan.

"Ella!" Jed ran to her. He turned her to her back and he felt a instant rage towards Pete. Matt recovered and ran to them. He lifted her head to his lap.

"Babygirl, what happened?" Jed asked as Matt took out his hankerchief to wipe the blood on her face.

"Last night, I was at my tree looking at the moon. I couldn't sleep. I decided to go back in the house but I saw Pete with the food. While he putting the food away, I tried getting answers from him. But he pushed me away and knocked me out. I don't know how he got away. I stabbed holes on the tires and I shot him on his leg."

Matty carried her back inside, knowing that his brother was blinded with rage. He put her down the couch and left with Jed.

Toni and Julie started mending her cuts. When they were done, Ella still had a killer headache.

"Can someone find me some aspirin? Theres some in the cabinet near the fridge." They gave her some and they left the house. When they hid the truck, they started walking back to the cabin.

"Shit." Ella murmured. "Go back! Go back! They found the cabin!" They all started running back, trying to find Matt and Jed. Ella slowed as she saw her father and the mayor. 

"Dad.." she whispers.

Robert looked behind him to make sure that Ella was following them. He stopped seeing that Ella stopped following, just staring at the cabin. He ran to her and grabbed her wrist.

"Come on, Ella!" He whispers as he pulled her. They started running again and they eventually found Jed and Matt. Ella ran to them and gave them a hug.

"They have Dad and the Mayor. They're hostages, They're trying to find us." Jed went on the edge where they could see the cabin from. He signaled them to lay low and listen. It was the Mayor who spoke first,

"Boys, it's Mayor Jenkins. Captain Cho here is the acting prefect of this district. He says you seriously injured some of his men and he's given me his word, if you turn yourselves in, no one is going to be hurt. Okay?"

Everyone kept quiet. Ella glanced at Daryl who was biting his bottom lip, preventing himself from answering. Ella felt her hear quicken. Cho isn't going to keep his promises. And why is the mayor with him?

"Boys?" Jenkins continue, he was nervous and begged them to show up.

"Daryl? Son? I'd like you to come home."

"Shouldn't we do what he says?" Robert asked. We all looked at Jed. "What do we do?"

"We don't move."  Jenkin passes the megaphone to their father, Tom.

"Boys and Ella, if you're out there, if you can hear me, listen up. It's a tough situation all the way around. A lot of tough choices. I love you three. I hope you know that. What I'm going to ask you to do may be very difficult, but I want you boys to do what I would do. I want to go to war and stop this piece of shit. Or die trying." Then he fell on the ground.

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