Chapter 23 ~ Uninvited

Start from the beginning

"Ah yes, Greg here will be joining our internship progrom this summer." Mr. Miller said.

"Internship. Brillant. We haven't had a youngster catch interest in our company."

Mr. Miller snorted. "Perhaps the medical field is a threat to us after all."

The man laughed and held out his hand to me. "Darren Sachar." He introduced.

I knew it. This was the Derek's father. I slowly shock his hand, swallowing my sudden anger. "I'm Gregory Martin." I said in return.

"Nice to meet you son." He said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sachar."

He waved his hand over his shoulder. "We're not in school. I am not a teacher. Darren would do." He smiled then it faded. "I wish my sons would join me. You guys would be great friends." He said.

Not likely. I mentally thought. I quickly hid my discomfort in the turn the converation had taking. If he only knew I did not like his younger son and his older son was risking his life to find Maleen.

"I am sure we would be." I lied.

"Derek and David will come around." Mr. Miller said. A woman spoke in a intercome through the phone.

"Sir, Mrs. Miller is on line one." The young woman spoke.

"Thank you Sarah." :) Mr. Miller said to the woman.

"I should bring him by the office sometime." Mr. Sachar said. I turned to look at him again. "How do you feel being my personal assistance." He asked.

"I really can't be that. I am still in school and-"

"Of course." He grinned.

"Gregory will you be joining us for dinner?" Mr. Miller asked. I narrowed my eyes, as if last night wasn't enough proof for him to see being in the same room with his phsyco wife was a bad idea. "Suri is asking and she will not take no for an answer."

I sigh defeated. Mr. Sachar eyes finally got the picture, putting the pieces together. "Yes, I'll be there." I answered cutting my eyes from Mr. Sachar's face.

Mr. Miller continued his tour of his building taking me to all the remaining floors. Everyone greeted me kindly. My guess is because of Mr. Miller and Sachar who followed us around too. Sachar didn't waste time to ponder me with rounds and rounds of question. And only once I hesitated to answer when he asked me why I moved from Boston to here.

"For change."I simply answered.

I glanced down at my watch. It was six o'clock. How did time pass so fast. However, I was anxious to see Suri. Not seeing her for so long made me start pace, worrying. I needed to see her. I needed to know she was safe. Mr. Miller insisted I get fitted to be properly dresed for dinner. He was going on about class and what not, but I wasn't really paying attention. Soon we were heading out. There was a car waiting for us downstair.

My phone in my pocket began to viberate, I pulled it out and glanced at the caller i.d. It was my mother.

"Hello mother." I greeted in a smooth tone.

"Son. How is everything going?" She wondered.

"Perfect." I mumbled into the reciever.

"Hmm, I know that tone to well. Is everything okay? You don't sound to pleased." Mother noted. I wanted to express to her how I felt, but being in the elevator with Mr. Miller. That was not possible.

"Don't worry." I toId her reassuringly. "Anyways, I am glad you called. I am going to dinner with Suri and her family." I told her.

"I see. Well I am glad because Stan is taking me on a date."

I remained silent. That made me more uncomfortable now, than the fact that I will be having dinner with Derek's parents. "I dont like that man." I told her.

Mother sighed. "Greg, we are not having this conversation again. Enjoy your dinner sweetheart. I will see you later tonight."

"Okay." I muttered. The line went dead.

"Is everything alright?" Mr. Miller asked when I hung up the phone.


"The boy can clean up." Mr. Sachar. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the bastard.

We walked outside into the cold. There was a shiny crystler parked waiting for us. A man dressed in silk black came out the front seat opening the car door for us. I murmured a thank you when I was the first to enter. The seat were facing each other. I sat so Mr. Miller and Sachar would have to sit next to each other.

I stayed silent just listening to the conversation they having about a new investment Mr. Miller wanted to invest in. The way the spoke, it made me curious.

"How long have you been knowing each other." I asked.

They both turned to look at me. Amusement played on Mr. Sachar lips.

"We go way back." Mr. Miller answered first.

"Yes. I would say middle school. Brothers." Mr. Sachar added

"It wasn't til high school when we took a entrepreneur class for extra credit and we developed the passion for what we do."

"And you choose to do it together."

"Absolutely." Mr. Sachar.

"Brothers, not by blood but brothers."

Interesting. I told myself.

We pulled into the resturant, stopping in front of man who stood very still. It was as if he was immune to the cold weather. He opened the car door and Mr. Miller was the first to exit and Sachar following. I traced the their steps walking silently behind as we approahed the entrance of the resturant. Another young boy held the door open for us. We walked in like celeberity on the red carpet. The workers kindly greeted us as we passed. I guess being well dressed has its advantages.

The hose gesutred us to followe her up a set of long wide marble stairs. From this view you can see the enitre lower resturant. I guess that part was for middle class. When we reach the top of this area, it was more elegant. The tables were less. There were large and small tables scattered around. A string band played soft classical music, as the everyone around grand dinning room ate and enjoy their time.

Then I froze. There Suri stood with someone standing in front of her. Suri shook her head turning away and her lips moving. She shook her head again glancing up at the this person. Her expression looked pained. Who ever this person was, was stressing her out. Her face almost appeared as if she would cry. Then suddenly her eyes met mine. The person turned to see what caught her attention.

My heart stopped thumping in my chest and anger crossed my expression. I should have known.

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