Chapter 21: Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I immediately shut my eyes tightly and scrunched my nose up in distaste. The rays of light were still harsh on my poor, hungover self. Groaning to acknowledge my internal pain, I scooted towards the edge of my bed, blindly setting the empty glass of orange juice somewhere. Beside me I heard Harry's deep laughter. I squinted my eyes open just enough so I could slap Harry on the chest. A look of surprise registered on his flawless face and it was soon replaced by a devious one.

"Oh you're going down, love," he smirked that favorite lopsided grin of mine. Beside his shy smile of course.

I was so distracted by his smirk that I didn't see him reach towards my sides until I felt him tickle me. Sucking in a breath of air, I tried my best to remain unresponsive. It worked until he found my kryptonite; the spot just below my ribs.

"Harry!" I squealed, trying to shove him away.

"Jackpot!" he laughed before attacking my ribs again.

"Stop!" I giggled, reaching for his wrists.

I gripped my fingers around them and mustered up as much strength as I could to push him away. But Harry is stronger. With ease he pinned my arms to my sides, causing our faces to become alarmingly close. He didn't even try to move away. I couldn't help but stare into his mesmerizing jade green eyes as he stared back into my blue ones.

"H-Harry," I breathed out.

"Emma," he copied me, his voice much more stable than mine.

"We should... go... make breakfast," I spoke slowly, trying to breath evenly.

"Yeah, we should," he replied, sitting up, releasing my wrists from his grip.

"You can go ahead and find the pancake mix. It will be in the cupboard up above the stove to the left. I'll join you in a minute." When I didn't explain why, Harry gave me a quizzical look. "Bathroom break," I answered his silent question.

Harry nodded his head, standing up from my bed. He walked out of my room, sparing one last glance back at me before he headed towards the kitchen. I flopped backwards on my bed, my head landing softly on one of my many pillows. A puff of air escaped my lips from the force. Closing my eyes, I bit the inside of my cheek. He was not making this easy for me.

Finally getting out of bed, I stalled going to the kitchen. I quietly made my way to the bathroom like I said I was going to do. Turning the faucet on, I splashed my face with the luke-warm water before scrubbing it with my face wash. Since I hate morning breath and mine happens to reek of beer, I brushed my teeth as well. I was still procrastinating seeing Harry as I stood in front of the mirror staring into an imaginary void for another three minutes. Then, knowing I had spent far too much time in here, I left the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen. Stopping in the open doorway, I threw my unruly hair up into a messy bun.

Harry stood with his back to me. By the way his arm was moving quickly and his back muscles were rippling underneath his dark blue shirt, he was already mixing the ingredients together. I cleared my throat to announce my presence as I walked up behind him.

"You started without me?" I pouted.

"You were taking too long and my stomach is telling me to feed it." True to his word, a second later his stomach emitted a deep rumbling growl. "See?"

"Fine, but you owe me."

"Uh, try the other way around. I've been doing all the work!" he smiled, turning his face towards mine.

His nose was mere inches away from mine, and I wanted him to lean in and close the gap between us and kiss me. I wanted that with every nerve, every fiber, every molecule of my being. It wouldn't matter how wrong it was because I know in my heart that it would feel so perfectly right.

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