"I hear footprints! Who's there?" Patrick and I look side to side, no one. "Ahh, I see, newcomers." We both look forward to see if someone is in the shadows of the tent. No one. "We're not all tall you know." Simultaneously Patrick and I both look down, then jump back in shock. A little old man stands with his hands tightened around a pickaxe that supports his hunched weight. "Are you going to tell me your names or just stare at my stature?"

I immediately awaken from my shocked stare. But Patrick answers before I can, "My name is Patrick, Sir."

"Never refer to me as sir! I don't own that title within this guild, and neither will you."

"Right, sorry... ah..."



"That's what you may call me... Rick." The old man then turns to me, as if finished with his conversation with Patrick.

I flinch, nerves suddenly causing me to stumble on my words, "Umm... I'mmm... umm"

"Well, hello Umm, it's nice to meet you," Dug responds.

"No... my name is..."

"Eevee." I glare at Patrick, who answers for me, "She's shy, but a gifted ground mage. She, alongside myself, wishes to join your guild. I'm a Volt Mage."

"Is that so?..." The old man walks back over to a hole in the ground in the middle of a tent. "I'll be one second." He disappears.

"Thanks." I say sighing, "I've never been that confident around intimidating people."

"No problem!" The boy says with a toothy smile.

Dug then suddenly comes up from the burrowed hole within the tent, holding papers in his hand. "I've found a basic assignment that you may do to prove your abilities. You will be transported to Current Forrest."

"That's on Volt territory!" Patrick responds in delight.

"Good man, you know your geography." Sarcasm, "Now, this assignment shouldn't be hard. A young child has gotten lost, so your job is to find him and bring him back home."

"Can't his parents do that?" I say, confused by the simplicity of our assignment.

"Well, yes, that is true, but that's why we're here, to keep bystanders out of danger. Current Forest isn't for the light-hearted, it's full of feral and infected mages, brainwashed by a virus that causes them to see everyone as a threat. We mages, the ones not infected or corrupted yet, are their only hope, so until we are disease-ridden or evil, we serve to help others."


As the sun sets in the west, the trees sway in the breeze of dusk, creating a rustling sound that sends jolts of electricity from one leaf to the next. A shiver traces my spine as the eerie feeling of being alone with a stranger settles in.

"This'll be great, I'm Electric, so I can get supercharged from the environment, while you're a ground mage, so electricity doesn't even affect you; we're the perfect match for this assignment." He pushes me off balance as he rushes ahead, "We'll find this kid with light still to spare." Patrick finds a clear spot and stomps his foot, transforming into his electric attire.

Not really knowing how to change my form, I cautiously follow behind him. I hope we don't run into another mage.

"Somebody, please help!"

Patrick and I looked at each other and immediately ran towards the sound. The cries grew louder and louder as we pushed through the trees and bushes. Eventually, we spot the child curled up against a tree, with scars covering his arms and legs. I approach the small boy slowly, crouching in front of him, trying to sound as soothing as possible. "Don't worry, we're here to help you. You don't need to be scared or cry anymore,"

The small boy's stature jerks up and down as he sharply inhales through tears. "It. It. It. Hur..."

"It what?"

"It HURTS!" the boy screams as electricity sparks out from the little boy's body. The surge ripples into the environment revealing the little boy's intense glare. The littles boy's eyes look infested in an irritating ooze that trickles down into blood-soaked scars.

Patrick swiftly pulls me away, forcing me behind him, "That's the virus!" Patrick calmly states as he summons a lightning sword, "Touch him, and you'll be infected too."

"Please help me." The little boy quietly wails, forcing a tear from my gaze, "It won't stop itching."

Bitter confidence emanates from Patrick's body as he walks forward, a metre away from the tiny boy, Patrick bows his head, grinding his teeth as he whispers, "I hope this helps."

Blink, and you'd miss it... thank Arceus, I missed it.

Hunched over the blade, red and purple clouds smoke from the child's tiny body, slithering high into the sky. His Inflamed skin fading to a pale yellow.

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