The Untameable King

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In a few moments, Mystery Inc. and the Martin family arrived at some kind of enclosure. It was a large concrete structure with 40ft high walls, and a viewing platform so that anyone could see into the enclosure. There was also a large steel sliding door nearby.

As the gang looked around, they saw the large steel door had been torn off its hinges, and was thrown to the side. There were some large claw marks into the steel door.

"What the..." Velma was bewildered at the sight of the wrecked steel door. "What could've done this? Certainly not a T-Rex, for that matter." She examined the marks in the steel door. "These marks don't look anything like that of a Rex's."

"Velma is right." Braedey walked into the main control room of the enclosure, and began to check on the main system. He scanned through the main systems, and found the creature that the gang saw.

It was some kind of Tyrannosaur, but it had longer arms, a slender body shape, a slender snout, and it looked deadlier than a Rex

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It was some kind of Tyrannosaur, but it had longer arms, a slender body shape, a slender snout, and it looked deadlier than a Rex.

"Interesting...base of a T-Rex..." Braedey read the different types of DNA inside this creature. "Green tree frog...cuttlefish..." he then paled at the next set of DNA in this animal. "No...a velociraptor..."

He then left the control room, and ran up to the others. "Guys, we've got some bad news. This monster is part-" he was cut off by the sound of what by be an amount of trees snapping and birds flying away.

The gang and family slowly turn towards the trees. Suddenly, as if appearing like magic from the trees around it, the creature appeared from it, as if it were a chameleon, and it eyed the gang with a murderous look in its eyes, as it growled at the humans.

The creature was standing 50ft long, 25ft high, and weighing 17 tonnes, with spiky osteoderms across its body and horns above its eye orbits, has well-developed forelimbs from a Therizinosaurus, with opposable thumbs, and sickle-shaped claws on ea...

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The creature was standing 50ft long, 25ft high, and weighing 17 tonnes, with spiky osteoderms across its body and horns above its eye orbits, has well-developed forelimbs from a Therizinosaurus, with opposable thumbs, and sickle-shaped claws on each of its four fingers with the claw of the middle finger being the longest, the skin colour a grey/white, with eyes whose sclera is red-orange, teeth like a Rex, exposed like a crocodile's, varying in size, some jutting out at unnatural angles and many broken, with a total of 74 teeth, and has a roar as loud as a Jumbo Jet on takeoff. It was the Indominus Rex.

"IT CAN CAMOUFLAGE!!!" Braedey yelled out, and with that, he and the others sprint for their lives, as the Indominus Rex roared and chased after it

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"IT CAN CAMOUFLAGE!!!" Braedey yelled out, and with that, he and the others sprint for their lives, as the Indominus Rex roared and chased after it.


A/N: apologies for this chapter being short, but there will be more to come.
Will the Mystery Inc. gang and the Martin family get out of this alive and get off the island, or will they fail?

Find out next time...

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