Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs

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Meanwhile, inside of the Visitor's Centre, in the main control room, Fred, Valka, and Velma, who had finished up with the Triceratops earlier that afternoon, were with John, Muldoon, and Mr. Arnold, who were dealing with computer codes that were affecting the entire park security system.

"'Keycheck space minus zero'." Mr. Arnold saw the readings, whilst having a cigarette. "'Keycheck's off safety space minus zero'. He's turning the security systems off. Doesn't want anybody to see... Look at this next entry, it's the kicker. 'White rabbit object'..."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Fred asked.

"Whatever it did, it did it all," the man explained the best that he could. "The computer didn't file the keystrokes. The way to find them is to check the computer's lines of code one-by-one." Mr. Arnold replied to her.

"How many lines of code are there?" Valka then asked.

"About two million." Mr. Arnold replied as he took out his cigarette.

"Wow, that's a lot." Fred admitted, as Valka then walked off away from the men.

"Robert, I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back our esteem guests." John requested to the man behind him.

"I'll come along." Valka said. "My son is out there, along with Scooby, Shaggy, and Daphne."

"Thank you." John nodded to him.

"Sure." Robert then agreed.

"I'm going with you guys." Fred told Valka.

"We'll need all the help we can get." Valka said.

John watched the three of them then leave as he looked very emotionally worried, whilst Velma stayed behind, and placed a hand on John's shoulder.

"John." Mr. Arnold at the computer got John's attention, as he and Velma looked to him. "I can't get Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry."


Back at the T-Rex paddock, Braedey, Shaggy and Scooby were nearby a pile of water, and started to clean off the mud off their faces and clothes as best as they could. With their faces cleared off the mud, the three looked up to the tree where the car was stuck in, and knew Daphne was stuck up there.

"Shaggy. Scooby." Braedey got their attention. "I'm gonna go up in the tree, and I'll try and get Daphne down. I need you both to hide here, okay?" He asked, and they nodded to him.

With that, Braedey began to climb the tree, jumping from branch to branch, then swung back and forth. As he got closer to the car, he saw how high he was now. He was around 45ft above the ground, and saw the car was stuck 50ft above. He soon reached the wrecked and smashed up Ford Explorer, and saw Daphne, sitting in the front passenger seat, but she was in a mess.

Her hair was tangled up with small twigs and leaves, whilst her purple clothes were covered in mud, along with her having some mud splotches on her forehead and her legs, and she looked rather pale in the face.

"Daphne?" Braedey's quiet voice seemed to get her attention, as she slowly lifted her head to him. He opened the driver's door, and leaned into the car. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

Daphne groaned a little. "I...i feel sick." She muttered, which explained her pale face.

"Okay." Braedey held out his hand. "Come on, Daph. I'm gonna get out outta here." He told her, and she slowly began to move out of the car. She took his hand, and he began to gently pull her out of the car.

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