I'm Insane HAHA

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It's late. I can't sleep. So why not update this shit of a book? *laughs*

You ever feel tired but can't fucking sleep? That's me right now!

Tired as hell but can't shut my damn eyes! *laughs harder*

In case you don't know. When I'm tired enough, I'll act fucking drunk and laugh or giggle at almost anything.

*laughs* that's what I'm doing right now! Lol. Idk why I'm even laughing my ass off at the moment

Oh well it's kinda entertaining. Hehehehehe

Weeeeeellllll I've got nothing more to say. This chapter is unimportant to anyone's life!!

*topples over, laughing harder* Sleep! Why have you forsaken meee!?

*looks at you seriously* I don't know what I did to offend sleep, but it fucking hates me now.

*flips off the ceiling* well fuck you too sleep! I didn't need you anyways!!

*laughs* ahhhh...I feel like anyone who actually reads this is just going to think 'wow they is bat shit crazy'



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