I'm So Tired...

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I'm so fucking tired of people leaving me. I'm so done. Don't come into my damn life, wiggle yourself into my heart just to leave. It will break me even more.

I can't deal with it anymore. Half the time I almost leave Wattpad but I stay because of some of the people on here. I WANT to leave Wattpad.

So many leave me. Maybe I should leave too. And this time not come back. Never look back. Never come back to Wattpad. Get on with my stupid life.

This fucking app just brings pain. I hate it. I hate how weak I've become. I want to go back to how I was. I hate this app and the memories.

I'm so done with watching people walk away from me like I was nothing. Like I was worthless. Like I never meant anything to them.....like everything was all a lie...

Do me a favor. If you plan to leave in the long run. Don't fucking talk to me. Leave me alone. I don't need it. I struggle everyday just to stay here. You messing with my head and feelings are unwanted.

I never planned on having relationships on here. I just wanted to read. Now I'm really only on here to talk to people who don't completely know me.

I bet you thought you knew me, yeah? Well...there's a lot that you don't. There's a lot that i won't say, because you don't need to see that.

They see this perfect, amazing, cute, sweet, kind, and more of a person....and it's a lie. I'm not perfect. I'm a fucked up person. I can be mean. God can i hurt people, but I try to keep my temper. My head is constantly trying to kill me. I am always pretending to be okay.

And the closer people to me on here tell me not to act strong around them....sorry to break this to you, but that just makes me want to be stronger. I don't want you guys to see me like that.

People want me to trust them. I can't do that right away. It scares me. I can't let myself trust people so easily. If you want all honesty, I trust only one person completely and fully. Some are close to that...but not quite.

I'm sorry for not trusting right away or to be distant. I built walls for a reason, and they keep me safe. I don't want more pain.

I'm tired of hurting

I'm tired of getting broken

I'm tired of my trust being shattered

I'm so done

I'm so tired.

Just.....please.....leave me....alone...

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