Remember This Butterfly

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Butterfly, I know that you're hurting. I know you think hurting and killing yourself is the the answer.

I do too sometimes, more than I let on. But I know right now, that it isn't the answer.

I made you a promise, and anyone that is close to me, knows I don't kid around with promises.  Once I make them, I'll do everything in my power to keep them.

That promise to you was to save you. And I plan to keep that, no matter what. I love you butterfly and I won't let anything happen to you once you're in my arms in real life.

But I need you to stay strong until that day. And you are strong, no matter what anyone says. Or what you believe about yourself.

You're amazing butterfly. Beautiful, wonderful, strong, perfect. And so much more. So I know you'll be okay.

I'll always be here for you. All you need to do is call for me, and I'll be there.

Just like what your song says, I'll catch you butterfly. It's okay to fall down, I'll help you back up.

I don't ever want to loose you, so I'll always help you fight your monsters and demons away.

I promise.

You'll never loose me. I'll always be by your side. You'll never be alone. I'll be with you.

I love it when you smile and giggle. I love seeing you happy. I feel so much joy when you're happy. It lets me know I'm doing something right.

I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you. Butterfly you deserve everything beautiful and wonderful and amazing in this world. You don't deserve the pain or suffering you go through.

Just remember that I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens.

I want you to listen to this song.

Stay Alive for me Butterfly. I'll save you and when I do, you'll always be safe.

I love you Hope. ♡♡

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