"Not anything like you are thinking. He probably touched me less than the men at the strip club." She says with little emotion making me realise there's much more to her past than I think. " my mother came in and pulled me out. I don't even know how she managed it as my father had knocked her into the wall really hard before getting me out the bedroom but she pulled me into the hall and told me to run and I did. I ran and hid in the woods down the street." She says with sadness in her voice hiccuping. I kiss her hair and breath in her coconut scent. It seems to be all over her and has now become my new addiction. She pulls my arm tighter to her and places a kiss on my hand

"You said it was the last time you seen your mother?" I ask treading carefully.

"It was but I don't want to go there right now" she says hoarsely and I don't push her. I want her to come to me to talk. I don't want her to feel forced to. We lie in silence holding each other and I let my mind wander to my own home experiences.

My father was a drunk who thought a woman's place was in the kitchen and to please him and if she didn't he would show her his displeasure with a beating. My mother put up with him for years and I know she only stayed with him for me.

I would help her cook and clean when I got home from college and I would ensure I stayed out of my fathers way and only spoke to him when I was spoken to.

One night he came home blind drunk and wanted something to eat. My mother had put leftovers in the fridge but that wasn't good enough for him. He wanted something fresh. He wanted the meal he would of had if he had came home when he should have instead of spending his wages on booze.

When my mother refused to get out of bed I heard him begin to argue with her calling her awful names. I heard my mother scream and I was up and out my bed in a blink of an eye. I flung their bedroom door open and see my father leaning over her with his belt. I'd never seen how he hurt her before only the bruises and cuts he next morning and thought he wouldn't do it knowing I was there but seeing the look in his eyes I knew I would be wrong.

I seen red and launched myself at him dragging him off my mother before the belt could make contact and took the brunt of it on my arm instead. I punched him and kept punching him and would of kept going if my mothers soft hand on my arm didn't stop me. He lay a bloody mess on the floor below me and I couldn't bring myself to feel guilty for hitting him but I felt guilt for not doing it sooner to help my mother.

"Matteo" I hear Charlottes voice bringing me back to the present. "Where did you go?" She asks softly stoking my arm looking at me with her beautiful big eyes.

"I was just thinking" I say leaning into her brushing some of her curls away from her delicate face. She's so beautiful. My bella. I smile at her and she returns it and that one small smile lights up her face. I lean in and place a small kiss to her lips and lean back watching her as she opens her eyes. She's breathtaking and I will be forever grateful to Mrs Rose for the set up I know she concocted.

"Do you want your cooking lesson just now?" I ask hopeful trying to distract us both. She nods her head excitedly at me and I'm glad she is coming around from her sadness a little bit and I feel my heart clench knowing I've managed to put a smile on her face. "Great, lets get up" I say sliding out he bed. I move to my drawers and pull out a navy tshirt for her to wear. Ever since I seen her in Eli's I've wanted her to be in one of mine.

I turn around and she's standing nervously with her hand over her stomach trying to hide herself from me in her black bra and lace panties. She stunning. A curvaceous beauty. Sure I seen her that night at Harry's place but I was trying to be respectful but right now I want to devour her.

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