Chapter 14

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A Thug's Eternal Love: Chapter 14

~A Few Days Later~
~Lexis P.O.V.~

These past few days I've been laying hella low. Christian called and told me that gang was branching out throughout Oakland and they were really on the hunt for me especially after Lorenzo was killed.

Not only that but lately Nelle has been acting weird. I feel like we're drifting apart, not a lot but a little bit and I sure as hell didn't like that shit.

"Morning Ma" I said as she walked down to the living room

"Hi." She said without even as much as looking at me

"Aight what'a going on with you? You barely talk to me and you act as if I ain't even around." I paused the TV and watched as she let out a sigh

"I'm not happy Lexis."

"Why aren't you happy baby?" I looked at her with concern. She sat on the arm rest as she ran her fingers through her hair

"Everything Lexis. This Gang life is getting too out of control. We have to lay low because someone wants you for unknown reasons, Trey killed a person, my baby, my child, killed someone. I was fine with you taking him to the trap but killing someone? I know he saved you but my son wouldn't have had to save you if you had just left the gang. I put on a smile everyday for you and the kids but in reality this life is too much. I'm scared to be out in town or walk with Ivanna in her stroller because some gang might try to kill us. Lexis I can't live in fear like this anymore." She said as she started to cry "I know this life is all you know but I can't-" she was cut off by her coughing as she cried.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest. I didn't know this is how she really felt.

"Then what do you want?"

"I love you with all my heart but living a life in constant fear is not something I can handle anymore."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want you to lose the gang and just focus on the family we have." She said as she looked up into my eyes.

"Chanelle. You know I can't do that. I love my family but the gang is also a part of my family" Why didn't she bring this up earlier? We're married; she's supposed to tell me everything on her mind not bottle them up. "You can leave if you want. I can't force you to stay by my side but together we were Bonnie and Clyde. I love you as much as life itself but I don't want you to be unhappy. I'm not going to be selfish and make you stay, so you do what you need to do to be happy. Your happiness is what's most important to me Chanelle." I kissed her forehead before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

This was one of those times where I wish my own parents were here so I could get their advice on problems like this. They pulled through their arguments and are still married to this day. That's what I want Nelle and I to be like.

~Arley P.O.V.~

"Nicole stop crying. Why did he leave?" I asked through the phone. She was crying hysterically. "I-I don-nt Know Dad! I woke u-up and he was g-gone! Drawers empty and sho-oes packed!" "Alright. Just relax I'm sure he has a good reason. Just keep calling him till you get a hold of him." I sighed. I heard the door open and in walked Lexis. "O-okay Dad" "love you and everything will be okay." I hung up the phone

"Whats wrong?" He asked as he dapped me

"AJ's gone and Nicole is freaking out" I rubbed the back of my neck "whats up with you?"

"Nelle and I ain't doin so hot" he sighed as he took a seat on the couch. He rested his head back and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Why? Y'all are inseparable?"

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