Operation purge

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Jasmine's pov.
I squeezed Huey's hands tightly and gave him a concerned look. I could see the fear in his eyes, the hopelessness, the dread all weighing down on him. Me and him both knew that it was almost certain he wouldn't leave this place alive. The doctor was putting his reputation and his freedom on the line. If this didn't work and news about this little shindig got out he would be thrown in a hole and never heard from again. Unauthorized testing especially on a person can actually be considered a crime against humanity even if it is to help them.

Huey turned his neck to see me giving him a horrified look.

"What happened to all that positivity?" He jested. I was in no mood to play games, all the odds were counting against us.

"How are you feeling, like honestly?"

"Honestly I've never told you this but I'm terrified of needles."

"Haha seriously, I didn't think anything scared you."

"I can think of a few." He said staring deep into my eyes. Too be fair the same exact thing terrified me too. It seems our biggest fear was loosing eachother which made sense. I knew Huey would want me to pursue another relationship if he passed today. The thing is I could never look at another man the same way I looked at Huey. He was my best-friend, the father of my son and soon to be daughter I hope so I really don't want another son, and finally he was my first......well everything. My first kiss, my only prom and homecoming date, don't get me started on how long it took to convince him to do that and finally my first lover. Everything we shared was so dear to me that it had become a huge part of who I was. I remember when we went to separate colleges. Being away from him was like being withdrawn from a life saving medication the dread was that intense.

"It's not to late to back out. I wouldn't blame you if you just said let's go and we spend the last month of your life together."

"Your the one who convinced me to do this." He said sarcastically.

"Yes, but I'm not ready to lose you, I'll never be ready I guess the thought of delaying it is more comforting than dealing with it so soon."

"Yah, I know."

"I guess my whole life someone's been there to take care of me, to look out for me. I was so fortunate to have the parents that I did keeping my happy, giving me gifts providing me with the necessary means to succeed and even after getting a good education I had you. You took on all of the pressure of being the provider and the protector. I never had to work,clean, or really do much of anything. So when it came time for me to take care of you  I wasn't ready, I wasn't prepared to take all that responsibility and I am so sorry for the way I acted towards you."

"No you had a right too. I was so caught up pitying myself that I forgot I still had responsibilities and duties to you and Robert. If anyone is too blame for this it's me."

"Well we'll agree to disagree." I chuckled. He gave me a faint still then looked at the ceiling again. I imagined how terrified he must be, taking a risk that only has a tenth of a chance of survival. Everyone says that dying is apart of life but they never embrace it. It's the most terrifying thing about life, that one day you'll know that it will end and you have no idea what's after that. Is that it? Is there a utopia where people who extended goodwill through out their life spend eternity in? Will we be reincarnated as some sort of animal or plant or possibly another human? That's the scariest thing about it is that you don't know.

"You know I've never embraced the possibility of a higher power. I've always thought the idea was far fetched and even somewhat ridiculous but thinking about it now, I can't help but hope."

"I've always prayed when I was scared, I figured that this whole thing with muscular dystrophy was a test or a lesson for me to be independent or give what I've been given all of my life. Then I realized it was just a freak accident that just happened to rain on my life long parade." I said tearing up. The doctor opened the door and with his team behind him. Their were only four which I assumed was his four most trusted brethren. 

"Me.Freeman are you ready?" He asked with a shaky breathe. Huey gave me a confident look that was masking an expression of absolute fear.

"Yes, I'm ready." He exclaimed. I was led out of the room to a even darker area that had a glass pane that let me see into the operating room. Kind of like the people looking through the window of an inmate being killed on death row.
A nurse sat next to me trying to comfort me and explain the procedure.

"The first thing the teams got to do is strap down restraints just in case the venom shocks his muscles in stiffness and makes him wobble off the operating table. Then they'll began injecting him with a series of remedies will target the diseased muscles specifically. After that they'll inject the final remedy into his bloodstream in an effort to purge the disease from his body." She exclaimed. I didn't pay much attention to her as I was focused on Huey. He looks like he's seen the ghost of his dead parents.  The doctor picked up a string with a needle the length of a football and stuck it in the back of Huey's neck. Huey immediately tensed up and began hyper ventilating and grunting. Then after that they stuck several needles in various places injecting him with the medicine. Huey was screeching in pain making everyone flinch. I've never heard Huey yell in pain before but it was the most heartbreaking thing I've seen in my entire life. Finally they stuck a needle about an inch long in his arm. After several minutes of screaming he began seizing and shaking violently. I rushed out the door and into the operating room where the doctors were rushing to keep him stabilized. The heart rate monitor was beeping rampantly as Huey was shaking.

I rushed to his bedside and grabbed his hand. He stopped shaking but his eyes looked dead.

"Huey you have to fight, fight for me for your son and your future child. For Riley, and your nieces you have to stay alive please, don't do this too me. One of the doctors tried to grab me and move me away from the table but I shook them off. For a single moment his eyes straightened and he looked at me as if he was apologizing and then a long loud flatline noise filled the room.

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