Burning them down

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                               Narrators pov.
Jasmine applied her make up diligently getting ready for Huey to get home. Tonight was they're anniversary and not even muscular dystrophy would stop them from have celebrating it. Jasmine was so excited to spend the day with Huey, Riley had taken him out to visit Grandad's grave so she could prepare everything for they're special day. Cindy volunteered to care for R.J as Jasmine pampered herself and prepared her husbands favorite meal.

Jasmine showered, brushed her hair to make it curly, put one nice dress and perfume. Today was her and Huey's day. The day where she'd let every frustration and bit of anxiety fly out the window. As Jasmine fixed herself she couldn't help but reach into her nightstand and pick out a cigarette. She had stashed all through the house doing her best to hide them from her husband. There's not much he could do but it's more of his disappointment towards her which concerned Jasmine. She didn't want to risk anything but the temptation was just too great.

Jasmine inhaled the smoke which filled her lungs with a satisfying warmth. She exhaled slowly tasting all of the chemicals which filled the cigarette. As she took another inhale the front door opened and Jasmine quickly put out the cigarette by stomping on it and scooting it under her bed.

Huey didn't care much for his visits to his grandfathers grave. He always hated dwelling on the past but there was something eerily similar to the feeling of his parents and his grandparents death. The emotions were the same. Huey would grieve briefly then get over it as if nothing happened. The thirty one year old senator rolled into his house on his wheelchair to reveal rose pedals and candlelight. Huey mentally face palmed himself as he realized it was his anniversary and he didn't get Jasmine anything extravagant like he planned.

He was afraid to look his wife in the face. This past week has been hard for him as he was basically raped by his intern. He didn't blame himself for that, there was virtually nothing he could do. What made him feel guilty is that he actually enjoyed every second of it. Every second of it Jasmine was in his mind, but she wasn't the one he was making love to. He questioned his position as her husband, questioning whether he was even worthy anymore.

Huey figured he'd forget about it eventually but for now it plagued him like a pest. As he rolled into the kitchen Jasmine stood there standing in the middle of the kitchen. She dawned a strapless dress which covered her to her knees. The color was white blue tracings. For the first time in months she looked like her normal self. Beautiful curled hair, caramel skin, and perfect posture. Huey felt like he was looking at her for the first time in his life which made his guilt burden him even more. This women was taking care of him, seeing to his every personal need, and he be strayed her.

"Hello." Huey said plainly.

"Hi." Jasmine said giddily."How was your day sweety?"

"It's was boring, how about yours?"

"Well seeing as it's not over yet so I haven't decided.

"Hmm." Huey said rolling his chair towards the kitchen table.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yep." Huey observed the meal Jasmine had prepared for him and squinted his eyes. Jasmine thought she had over cooked his meal. Heuy was looking away from her trying to not to meet her eyes.

"Did I botch the food?"

"No, of coarse not. It's just, you really didn't have to do all this."

"Of coarse I did! These past couple of months have been hard on both of us. I had to look deep inside myself and realize how lucky I was to be your wife. Until we had R.J I've never had to take on much responsibility because of you. You took care of me so long I feel it's only fair I do the same for you.

"I don't deserve this!" Huey said ashamed.

"Huey what's bothering you?"

"I'm a terrible person. I've betrayed your love and loyalty. I bit the hand that literally feeds me. You deserve better!"

"Huey your scaring me. What are you talking about." Jasmine said hyperventilating.

"Jasmine, please forgive me. I never had the intentions to do it, it just kinda happened."

"Huey, I'm going to need you to stop dancing around the question and tell me what happened already." She yelled.

"After we had that discussion about our sex life last Monday I went into my office with an all time low self esteem. When I got in there Courtney was there waiting for me and..... well let's just say she tried to boost my confidence."

"Are you saying you cheated on me?" Huey didn't say anything he just nodded. Jasmine stood up and clenched her fist. Her anger boiled uncontrollably as she imagined another women having sex with Huey. Then as soon as it came, it went. Her anger began melting away and turned into sadness as Jasmine fell to her knees and began sobbing.

"How could you Huey? I loved you, I took care of you. I wiped your fucking ass and this is how you repay me."

"Jasmine I-."

"You what Huey? What could you possibly do to justify this. How could you possibly make up for what you've done."

"I-I can't, I'm so sorry." Jasmine ran out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. She picked up a cigarette from her stash and shakily lit it. As she inhaled the tar she felt her nerves calm and the rage and shaking subsided. One after another Jasmine smoked cigarette after cigarette till they were all gone.

A/N. Yah I know, "another got damn authors note seriously?" Haha but anyways sorry for the long update like I said in my other boondocks I've been quite busy with work and school so naturally I don't have much time to write my stories. And that's not all, for awhile I lost interest in Huey and Jasmine. At first I used to love writing these chapters, I could pump two or three out every day but then it got to the point to where it was a duty more than anything. Sometimes I would feel obligated to update even though the content was garbage. Sometimes I would just throw out some random shit without even thinking about the plot but I've been thinking a lot about the story lately and got some ideas and also after this stories finished Ima write a new boondocks story about Jasmine and Huey in they're youth. I felt with my first two stories I kinda added eccentric traits to both Huey and Jasmine that they more than likely wouldn't posses so with that story Ima go back to their root character traits. Your feedback is always welcome, thank you for reading.

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