The doctor visit

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Warning: very explicit content
Jasmine's pov.
I buttoned the top of Huey's long sleeve shirt. He looked so handsome with his trimmed beard and well kept Afro. We got nice and snappy for the doctors visit.

"Are you ready sweetie?"

"No!" He stated plainly.

"What did I say about staying positive?"

"I don't get how you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you keep an upbeat attitude?"

"Huey I have to? I can't afford to think with a negative attitude. Let me ask you something."


"When you look at R.J, what do you see?"

"I see my son."

"What else?" I asked. He stared at R.J who was playing with a small Shrek action figure. R.J looked up and met Heuy's eyes, and Huey's expression softened.

"I see your eyes and my lips and hair." R.J crawled too Huey's feet and postured up on his knees and lifted his arms up.

"Dadda?" He said in his infant voice. My eyes began watering as I fought the urge to sob hysterically. Huey's eyes became glossy and sad. I picked up R.J and set him on Huey's chest to which the baby hugged his father sweetly. I couldn't take it anymore and I began crying uncontrollably.

"I love you son. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to be there for you." Huey said in a broken voice. Huey placed his right hand on R.J's back and embraced him. I kneeled infront of Huey's wheelchair and laid my head on his lap. He then began lightly stroking the back of my head." Ok I get your point."

"I knew you would. Come on the Doctor should be here soon." I stood up and opened the door for Huey. He rolled out the door holding R.J. Before I knew it we were in the living room and we heard a knock on the door. I stood up and walked towards it expecting who was awaiting on the other side. I opened the door to see a well dressed middle aged man standing on the porch. His hair had just the right amount of grey in it. His beard was well trimmed, he reminded me of Christopher Waltz in Django.

"Hello Mrs.Freeman." The man said in the thick German accent.

"Dr.Himderwulfur thank you for coming."

"No, no Mrs.Freeman thank you for inviting me. It is a pleasure to be welcomed in the home of a man of such incredible stature."

"Well Huey's inside watching tv, please come in." I welcomed him in. He nodded and walked inside and behind him a cute blonde nurse scurried inside. I didn't even notice her till she poked out from behind the doctor we all walked inside the living room and the two quickly examined eachother.

"Hello Mr.Senator. It's such a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise Doctor."

"Ohh and this is Ms.Dochley, she's my nurse."

"Hey!" She said mouselike.

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