Everythings perfect

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A/N: warning, explicit content in this chapter. I intended for this to be a mature content story and I haven't really wrote anything that was explicit but I decided it was about time so here you go. If you don't want to see explicit content then I'm sorry but the story was intended to
Be mature.
Jasmine's pov.
I watched tv while breast feeding little Rj. I cherished every moment I had with my baby boy. I knew his infancy wouldn't last forever and eventually he'd be a grown man setting off in his own adventure through life. Rj's two weeks old today and with each passing moment I fall more in love with my beautiful child. I heard the front door open and shut even though the culprit was trying to be as silent as possible. Within moments my beloved walked into the living room looking exhausted.

"How was work sweetie?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh okay, well dinners just about ready if you want to eat."

"Yes please. What did you make?"

"Tofu parmigiana. I know how much you love it." Huey sat down next too me and loosened his tie, I leaned my head against his shoulder absorbing his warmth. "What did the doctor say this morning?"

"I told him about my neck pains and he drew blood and said he'll have an answer tomorrow."

"Do you think it's anything serious? Who knows maybe you just need to see a chiropractor."

"Yah I hope so." I know Huey doesn't like too tell me the full gravity of situations and honestly I'm thankful for it. I mean I just had a baby, I can't be stressing out about our health conditions but if Huey tells me not to worry then I'm not going to. He's taken such good care of me and little Rj that I'm actually surprised quite a bit. To be honest I was a bit hesitant to marry Huey at first, of coarse I wanted to but I wasn't sure he'd fully commit to it. Much to my shock he's been a remarkable husband. Paying the bills, dealing with house and yard work, even seeing too my personal needs.

Huey told me about the difficulties he's been having with the random pains in his neck and face, plus the additional clumsy fall. I asked him to see a doctor but he said that he's fine, but a few nights ago he woke up yelling as if he was being tortured. As a senator Huey has unconditional health benefits so doctors visits were basically free wherever he goes.

"Here take R.j while I finish dinner."

"I thought we agreed not to call him that."

"Come on Huey's it's just a nickname."

"Maybe as an infant but once he gets older we're calling him by his full name. Nicknames set a bad example for proper etiquette and behavior."

"Jeez what's eating you today?" Huey sighed heavily trying to calm himself.

"Sorry, I'm having trouble at work and this neck pain has become an enigma. I guess I'm just a little more stressed than usual." With his grandfather dying and trying to pass a bill to ban ethnically specific private schools in Maryland, I'd image Huey was losing his mind. He barely has time to work out or meditate anymore, but he was still lean and muscular. I handed Huey the baby and kissed him on the cheek.

"It's okay sweetheart I understand. You've had a tough couple of weeks and I'd be worried if you weren't stressed out. Let's eat and I'll put the baby to bed meanwhile you can make a nice hot bath for us to bask in." I tried to sound as seductive as possible and I think it worked. He smirked making my heart flutter.

"Sounds like a deal." I left the living room and finished dinner. I made extra because Huey eats more than usual nowadays. We ate together and watched Dexter in the living room. I didn't pay much attention but Huey has a peculiar interest in the show. He finished three servings before I finished one of mine.

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