Mr. And Mrs.Freeman

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                               Huey's pov.
"Well well I'd never thought I'd see this day in my life." I adjusted my tie and slipped the a rose into my coat pocket.

"It's been awhile white shadow."

"Indeed Mr. Freeman, I got today I'm surprised to see you getting married."

"Well me too but there's someone for everyone."

"And that someone's that cute little strawberry blonde."


"Do you really love her?"

"Well obviously if I asked her to marry me." He chuckled at my sarcasm. "Look just tell me what you want. I'm getting married today and I'd rather not have to look over my shoulder waiting too see if I'm going to be assassinated or not."

"I'm just here too make sure this is legate and not some front."

"There's plenty of fronts that's less expensive than marriage."

"I suppose there is but are you really settling down?"

"Yes, I just want to make her happy and if settling down is what makes her happy then I guess I'm obliged."

"So you don't really want to do this do you?"

"What's with all the questions?"

"Just doing my job Huey."

"I want to do what makes her happy. That's what matters to me not marriage not children but I do love her."

"Ok well looks like my job here is done."

"What do you mean?" I turned around to face him.

"I mean we have no reason to watch you anymore."

"Soo your just going to leave me alone? Just like that."

"Yeah! Unless your saying we have a reason not to."

"Nah, I'm going to be a married man pretty soon."

"Ummm hmm do you mind if I stay for the festivities?"

"As long as you don't create any problems then knock yourself out." He nodded then walked out of my dressing room.

"Hmm typical." Caesar my childhood bestfriend walked into the room shortly after my the white shadow left.

"Yo hue you almost ready?"

"Yah I'm ready." I took a deep breathe and remembered who this is for." Jasmine went from a pestilence to my best friend to my lover.
Wow she trapped a nigga hard. I placed my hand on Caesars shoulder.

"Lets do this." We walked side by side to the end of the isle where we waited for the ceremony to start. My grandfather inched his way towards me I didn't want to disrespect the old man by showing sympathy. He's been through so much in his old age and he's not far from the end of his life. At least he's doing it in style with his gold plated walker and gold digging white hoe at his side. I didn't like the fact that me and my granddad girlfriend went to the same school but hey to each there own.

"It's about damn time boi."

"Hey grandad."

"Shut up boi and let me talk." I waited patiently for his lecture.

"Huey I'm proud of you."

"Did you just say what I think you said?"

"Don't ruin the moment boi! I might be older than dirt but I'll still whip yo little black ass. Now as I was saying, it's about damn time you put a ring on that gorgeous girl of yours."His gold digger I mean girlfriend scoffed. "I wonder how Toms taking all this."

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