Dr. Himderwulfur

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Huey's pov.
I forgot what it was like to walk. I forgot the feeling of being powerful and in control. Now I sit in a chair nonstop. I watched the news in the living room hoping for something that was relevant to my situation.

"And in other news Maryland senator Huey's Freeman will soon be evicted from office due to inability to proceed. Senator Freeman was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy just over eight months ago and has been pronounced to pass away within four months time." The CNN reported stated. I turned off the tv simply because I didn't have the strength the throw the remote.

I didn't want to cry, I'm not a coward. However the urge to do so was almost to tempting. I fought back to urge as my eyes starting swelling and became watery. This isn't the saddest thing about the disease. The saddest thing is that I can't hold my son. Jasmine sometimes places him on my lap but she stays nearby for safety precautions. Who is gonna protect her if I can't even walk? I know she's a women now but she's still so fragile and naive. I dreaded the thought of a man forcing his will on her and I'm not capable of protecting her.

The front door opened and Jasmine suddenly appeared. Her hair curled past her shoulders and her eyes lit with a beautiful glint of emeralds. She had freshened up and looked like she did when we first got married. She wore a white blouse with dark blue skinny jeans and white high heels. Her curves looked the same as when we first made love. The sight was almost enough for me to force my self out of my chair and make sure she couldn't walk for a week. Sadly though I was bound to this chair like she was to me, and they are equal burdens if you ask me.

"Where's Robert?" I asked concerned.

"He's with my parents. They take any opportunity they can get to baby sit."

"I saw that he was already crawling this morning." I stated proudly. Jasmine looked away hurt.

"Yeah he's growing up fast. I don't want to imagine the day he leaves for college and tells us his goodbyes and yes us. I'm including you in there because your gonna be there."

"Oh yeah sounds great, curing one of the most lethal diseases known to man kind sounds simple on paper doesn't it?" I said sarcastically.

"For once and your life can you be positive? You terrible at keeping up morale Huey." She said shuffling through mail." Hey look! I put out a mass email to every muscular dystrophy specialist in the United States and we got a couple of letters."

"Ohhh great maybe they could actually do their job."

"Hey these guys are working really hard to find a cure. Maybe it'll be worth our time to see one of them." She said opening the first letter. For next several minutes Jasmine shuffled through the letters until one seemed to peek her interest. She brought out her phone and dialed the number that was printed on the paper. She put the phone on speaker and sat down on the couch next to me and put the phone between us.

"Hello?" A thick German accent said through the phone.

"Hello is this doctor Himderwulfur?" (Him•der•wool•fur)

"Yes yes. May I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Hello Doctor my name its Jasmine Freeman, I'm senator Freeman's wife."

"Ahhh yes your the one who sent out that email."

"Yes, that was me."

"Ah yes, the reason I wrote you that letter is because I want to help to the best of my ability. See Mrs.Freeman every patient has a different genetic code, and a singular genome in any random patients body could hold the answer to cure for muscular dystrophy. Your husbands case is very rare matter afact only one out of every twenty six hundred patients are diagnosed as an adult. We think that your husband might hold the key to the cure for muscular dystrophy."

"How can you be so sure it's me? You just said that it could be completely random." I said rudely.

"Ahh yes but that's from our expires nice with toddlers and young men. We haven't fully studied a patient quite like you Mr.Freeman."

"So do you want to meet or something?" Jasmine asked enthusiastically.

"I'm in Berlin right now but I'll be down in Maryland in a couple of weeks. May I stop by and take some samples from Mr. Freeman for observation?"

"Of coarse you can, we'll be here waiting." Jasmine shouted happily.

"I'll be there. Thank you Mr. And Mrs.Feeeman."

"No thank you Dr." She said crying. She hung up and smiled at me.

"Well?" She asked expectantly.

"It's bullshit."

"What how?" She asked shocked.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but the numbers don't add up. There's at least a dozen of other men like me and they couldn't have provided adequate information?"

"Yes, but there is no other man like you Huey. Remember when we were kids and I always said you were special?"

"Yes, but you also said I was an asswhole."

"You still are." She giggled.

"What's your point Jasmine?"

"Maybe this is it? Maybe your the lucky breakthrough in which they find the cure."

"Jasmine we have better odds getting struck by lightning seven times to the store to which we buy the winning ticket of the lottery."

"Yah but you can't give up hope Huey."

"Hope is a lie." I said looking away." It's a illusion people cling to because they're afraid of the truth."

"Please Huey don't talk like that." She said getting ready to cry. My heart melted watching her eyes water. The sight I hated most wasn't watching a black man getting wrongfully punished, or even seeing myself in the mirror. It was watching Jasmine cry, and I've always hated it. It was the thing that hurt me the most, note even the disease eating my muscle tissue could compare.

"Okay, if you think that this could possibly be the answer to our problem then I'll believe to." She was still crying but smiled like a little girl. She hugged me causing me to tense up to fight the pain. I haven't cried since I was next to my grandfathers deathbed but for once I let a tear fall into Jasmine's shoulder.

"Gods with us Huey. I just know it."

"We'll see about that."

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