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IsshuShipping is the pairing between N and Hilbert/Black from the Black and White games. I will be referring to him as Black.

Black let the breeze whip gently at his face as Reshiram soared alongside Zekrom, who N was currently riding on. The sky was clear, and the sun shone brightly. Black looked down on Unova. They were currently flying over Pinwheel Forest, a place outside of Nacrene City.

Two years had passed since Unova changed — both its residents, Gyms, and Pokémon that inhabited the region. Not too long ago, Black lost his Champion name against a wild girl named Iris. However, Black wasn't bothered by this. Black was sure that Iris would make a great Champion. Besides, he wanted to spend more time with his Pokémon and — most of all — N.

Black nodded to N. The other male's long green hair was in a ponytail, and streamed out the back of his head. N smiled back, and both of their legendaries began to land. A huge clearing in the Pinwheel Forest was where they did.

"Maybe we can hang out here for a bit," Black suggested, hopping off of Reshiram. "I was thinking that that'd be cool with you."

"I'm alright with that," N said back. His voice was gentle and innocent. But N wasn't exactly the definition of innocent. Him and Black had grown mutual feelings for each other over the time, and it grew into a relationship. Black never addressed himself as "N's boyfriend", and N didn't do that either. They would just openly show affection for each other, and others seemed to get the hint.

"Let's see here..." Black looked around. He walked over to an apple tree as Reshiram fanned its widespread white feathers. Black eyed the tree. "Maybe I should call out Emolga to get them down..." His mind trailed off as he heard N approach him from behind. Black turned around, and he didn't move as N wrapped his arms around the other's torso. As N nuzzled his neck, Black asked softly, "What're you doing?"

"I just... wanted a hug," N replied, leaning against Black. N was much taller than Black, so the brown-haired trainer had to step back a bit to press against the apple tree. Their legendaries didn't seem to care what the two were up to; they merely talked to each other using gentle growls.

N kept Black in their hugging position for a while, and Black eventually hugged him as well, patting him on the back. "Erm, N?" N didn't say anything, but he instead made a vocal grunt in reply. He tightened his grip on Black's waist. The green-haired male finally released the hug, and sat down on the grass. He pulled Black into a sitting position, too.

"Hey, Black?" he said with the same gentle tone. His eyes were soft.


"I love you~."

Black could feel his cheeks lighting up barely. He knew N loved him; he's said it multiple times. But Black couldn't help but feel warm on the inside whenever he said it. "Heh, love you, too."

N beamed. He looked relieved, as if he'd just confessed his love. He gave a small chuckle and held the bill of his hat with one hand. "I'm glad. It always feels good to hear you say that, Black. It's like a melodic tune for me."

Black smiled softly, then looked overhead. A Pidove had just rested on the tree branch directly above Black's head. It tilted its head to the side, then gave a happy chirp before unfurling its gray wings and flying away.

"Pokémon are mysterious creatures," N commented, watching the Pidove fly into the distance. "They are fierce and brave, but lovable and kind. They remind me of someone. Someone... special." Black caught N looking at him, and his cheeks brightened up even more. "Can you guess who that is, Black?"

Black looked around a bit as N kept staring at him. Then, he said, "I, uh, m-me...?" Black hated talking about himself, but N always found a way to make him do so.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"You're staring at me," Black replied before clearing his throat. "So, I guessed myself."

"You watched me watch you?"


N leaned over, tilting his hat upwards. "Y'know, you're cute, Black. I like the way you blush whenever I bring up you as a subject. I like how you're there for me. You're awfully special, Black."

"You're just as special," Black said, leaning against the tree bark as N leaned closer to him. "You're pure. And kind. You seem to always know how to make the atmosphere calming. I love it."

"Stop trying to make it not about you," N said. He was flattered by Black's complimenting, but didn't want to talk about him. "You don't like talking about yourself. But I do. I love talking about you. You're a great Pokémon Trainer with just as great Pokémon. You served well as the Champion." He scooted over to where he was sitting next to Black.

"C'mon, N..." Black looked away, still blushing. "You don't have to..."

"Oh, but I want to, Black," N said sweetly. "You deserve the best, and I'll give it to you. You deserve to be treated well. I'll treat you that way, because I love you and know that you're worth it."

Black was going to object. He turned back to face N, but didn't realized how close his face was; they were touching noses. N gave Black a gentle gaze, then stole a quick kiss from him. As soon as their lips touched, Black felt calmer. He didn't feel tense about the fact that he was being talked about. He may have never liked it, but deep down... maybe he did. N helped Black open up, because the brunette couldn't do it himself.

N pulled away and got up, then helped Black up. "Hungry?" N asked. He looked up at the apples. "Maybe we can have some of those." Black watched N reach up and pick a ripe one that was in his arm's reach, then smiled once more. He was lucky to have N around. He had a sweet nature, one that he loved.

He was lucky that someone like that helped and loved someone like himself.

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