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HunterShipping is the pairing between Gold and Silver from the Johto region games. Many people requested PreciousMetalShipping, but the last time I've read the mangas was years ago. Since I can't remember much from the manga, I'll be writing about their game counterparts.

Silver walked through Mt. Moon. He was training alongside his Pokémon in the Kanto region. The trainer wanted to be strong, to be intimidating, to defeat Gold...

Speaking of Gold, Silver stopped in his tracks to see the other trainer up ahead, his Typhlosion's neck flames illuminating the surrounding cavern. Silver didn't understand why Gold insisted on keeping at least one Pokémon out of its Poké Ball at a time, but now at least they were for a good use.

"It's been a while, Gold." The black-haired trainer turned around as Silver spoke, looking as if he didn't hear Silver there initially. "Hey, Silver." Silver folded his arms. "Since I lost to you, I thought about what I was lacking with my Pokémon."

Gold's Typhlosion narrowed its eyes, as if not quite trusting Silver. Silver ignored this and kept his gray eyes glued to Gold. "Oh? You've figured that out yet?" Gold asked, and his Fire-type starter loosened its tight muscles.

Silver flashed a smirk, at least one that he could muster. "Yes, but we're going to show you in battle." This made Gold's Typhlosion let out a threatening snarl, and his flames slowly rose higher and glowed brighter.

Gold grinned. "If that's what you want, then so be it." With that, Silver whipped out Feraligatr's Poké Ball and released the giant Water-type.


At last, Silver's final Pokémon fell over and fainted. It was his Magneton, against Gold's Politoed. Silver would've had a better chance if the Politoed didn't know Earthquake.

"Damn it, lost again..." the red-haired river hissed, recalling his Magneton. He put its Poké Ball away and faced Gold, who didn't look like he was going to gloat over his victory. He was carefully studying Silver, eyes gleaming. "You won, fair and square," said Silver, walking towards Gold. "I admit it. But this isn't the end. I'm going to be the greatest Pokémon Trainer ever. Because —"

"I know you'll try," Gold flashed a smile, cutting off Silver's little speech. Silver blinked multiple times, then spat, "You won't be able to defeat me again..! I —" "Okay, okay," Gold put his hands up, then chuckled a bit. He saw Silver's fuming and grinned. "You're little speeches are cute to watch, but it's always the same. 'I'll try to get better.' I know you will. I don't doubt that."

"How can you when you continuously beat me?" Silver said sharply, crossing his arms. "Clearly I'm not strong. Clearly I can't beat you yet. And you're saying that I am?"

"I didn't say you're better," Gold pointed out casually. He returned his Politoed as he spoke. "But you are tough. It's getting harder to beat you." "That isn't good enough for me," Silver said dryly.

Silence filled the air for a moment before Gold coughed and spoke: "Do you do anything besides train? Maybe if you weren't so stressed out all the time, then you'd be able to fight with a more clear mind." Silver scoffed. "I do more than train. It's just... my main priority." He closed his eyes as he continued, "Besides, I need to get stronger. It's be strong or be weak in this world, and I'm not taking the latter."

Gold snickered, making Silver seethe. "I've never seen it. If you relax sometimes, then maybe we can together? Possibly we can —"

"Be friends?" Silver finished, then laughed. "I don't need friends! I'm fine on my own! Just me and my Pokémon. What more would I want?" Silver heard Gold mutter something about stubbornness. "I'm not stubborn. I just stick to my plans and I don't change them."

"That's called being stubborn," Gold said with a small smile. Silver made a small "Tch!" and turned as he spoke. "Whatever! I'm going. Also, I train and do other things with my life. You don't have to be the judge of that."

But a grab of his wrist and tug of his body silenced Silver's ego. He and Gold were face-to-face, and Gold winked before touching his lips against the other's. It wasn't anything like a kiss; they were just pressing mouths together.

When Gold let him pull away, Silver covered his mouth, face as red as his hair, only much brighter. "You talk too much," Gold said coolly, as if he didn't just do such a thing. "And you're too uptight. But, y'know what? It's cute."

Silver pulled his hand away from his mouth and lowered his head until his face stopped heating up like crazy. He then looked up at Gold, who was still smiling like a goofball. Idiot.

"W-whatever..!" Silver said, avoiding Gold's gaze. "I-I'm leaving. A-and don't doubt it!" "I never did," said Gold calmly as Silver turned on his heels and sped off.

Why did he do that? Silver thought. He's... that kind of person? I'm not cute, and he shouldn't have done that! I don't like him that way.

But for once in his life, Silver was unsure of himself.

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