"Too skinny, try again when you get some meat on your bones", Icy said, "And look how thin your weave is", he stood to touch my pony tail. Fuck this nigga, even though he was just as handsome as Work.

Icy wore complete white, the same attire as Work, but he was darker than Work.

"She obviously been through something", Work said, he was staring at me from head to toe, measuring me out, taking me all in. "Isn't that right".

"You can say that", i didn't want to talk about my past, as far as i was concerned, i had no pass, just the current and the future.

"Well see what you working with. Come by tonight, I see you need a few dollars to get your situation straight. You came in the direction of the bus station, you need a place to stay?".

"Yes", i said quietly, a little embarrassed that this dude can read me so easily.

"We own apartments not to far from here, it will be easy for you to get from work and back. If you make three thousand tonight, your hired. Anything less, your fired. But if you get another job somewhere and your able to pay the rent, your welcome to stay in my apartments".

I nodded my head fiercely, God was definitely on my side today, i couldn't believe i had a home and a job in the same day.

"Always giving to the needy", Icy said sitting down. He picked up his drink and twirled it around, i hated this cat and i didn't even know him. "We have a photo shoot so you need to wait by the curb on the street til we are finish with business",Icy added.

"Nah ill be back", Work said downing the rest of his water and throwing it into the trash, "Let me go set her up real fast, it will only take a moment". I followed Work outside into the sun, we waited a few minutes for a taxi.


"This is nice", I placed my suit case against the white wall and sat down on the plush beige love seat. It was a one bedroom that was around the corner from the club. IT wasn't huge but it was just right for me. As soon as you walked in, the bedroom was down the little hallway with a bathroom a few feet away. The living room was on the right of the front door, the carpet was black and plush just like the beige love seat and recliner. A small table and small flat screen were against the brick wall, beige drapes flowed down and touched the floor,I opened the window and the air moved the drapes around like a ghost. The kitchen was to the right, their was a serving window facing the living room , a simple flower sat on top of the window, The double door refrigerator was chrome, the electric stainless steal stove with chrome trim stole my heart, I couldn't wait to cook on it.

"There is a corner store just up the street from you, ill leave the address to a grocery store whenever you feel like going. ill also leave the taxi service number, mine as well", he took out a sticky note and wrote all those down.

"Don't bring any of your clothes to the joint, only the clothes on your back and a purse, we provide everything you need such as hair products, clothing, make up, and shoes. Be on time. Early that is".

"Yes, thank you so much", I was getting teary eyed, damn, this shit just didn't seem real.

Work nodded his head and walked back out the door with me close behind, i locked the door and struggled to hold myself together, I was moving up in life just a little bit.

It was 10:30pm, the club didn't start til 11.

The front line was long as hell, i didn't understand why people were here so early, now how the fuck was i suppose to get in?

I mustered up enough courage to walk to the front of the line were there were two other security guards posted. They were both black as hell and very big, just like the cockeyed dude from earlier.

"Workers go through the back. Don't make this mistake again,", said one dude without even looking at me.

Well got damn, can i get a break? I'm new here and people already giving me attitude, how the fuck was i suppose to know i was suppose to go the back? But i did what i was told, this job is needed so i didn't need anyone standing in my way to get it.

The big black dude with the messed up eye was there at the door talking to a female, he then turned his attention from her to me. He dismissed the girl and gave me a firm pat down, he felt the stack of money i had between my thighs and pulled it out before i could say anything.

"Look, I really need this job", he started thumbing through my money," I don't even know how i could make three thousand in one night, let alone a thousand. That took me three years just to save up".

He put the bills in his pocket, "You need to have faith", and with that he crossed his arms around his chest and waited for me to step into the joint.

I walked through the doors, trying to hold back my tears, two thousand down the drain, what a fucking down fall.

Girls were everywhere butt ass naked, some looked like they were just getting out the shower, some were busy with their make up, some putting on wigs. well damn.

"Shower, now", said a white girl. She was tall and very thin, how the fuck did she make past Icy? Work probably stuck up for her too. "Your not early enough, its work time". I didn't even have time to protest, my clothes were off an I was in the shower. Six different shower hose were on at once, got damn that shit felt good. I was so busy with trying to get caught up with sleep i didn't even shower at my new place.

A wash cloth and dove soap was thrown at me and I caught it with no problem. A bottle of Shampoo came next came flying at me head, I wasn't ready for that. I rubbed my head as i bent down to pick it up, it was lice shampoo. How did she know?

"Hurry up! Its almost twelve!" came a voice in the fog. I was the only girl in the shower now. I washed my hair and washed as much of my body as i could, I found a razor and shaved as much coochie hair and leg hair as I could.

I walked back into the dressing room and was then thrown a towel and ushered to a booth, everything a blur. The white girl was now blow drying my hair. "You can keep the shampoo, use it everyday for two weeks, they should be gone by then.", I looked at the girl through the mirror.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready as well?", I asked.

"I'm the make up and hair artist. I'm here to help you sweety". She braided my hair back in french braids, "Your hair is so thin", she wrinkled her forehead and left for a brief moment, then came back with a black wig . She placed it on my head and played with the loose curls around my face.

Again, she left and came back with a sequin bra and pantie set and a bottle of Victoria Secret lotion, I put the the little thing on and rubbed the lotion over my body.A pair of Black heels were thrown at my feet, I put them on quickly

"I'm Sarah by the way", she said now putting makeup on my face, the girls were now leaving. "Shit", Sarah put down the make up brushes and took out clear lip gloss and brushed it across my lips. "Alright, go go go!", I stood to follow the girls and walked as fast as I could in the heels that actually fit my feet.

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