I knew you didn't hate me

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Pure smut in this chapter , next chapter has fluff.

"Ha! I came in 1st place today, I beat you!" Lance said as he walked past Keith as they were coming back from training. Pidge and Shiro had gone to see what information they could extract from the spacecraft that had crashed earlier. Hunk was probably in the kitchen whipping up something delicious . Allura and Coran had gone to make peace with the life form on this planet. So, that left Lance and Keith to train together in the training room.

"mmph, Yeah I came in first today!" Lance gloated.
"Guess you got lucky" Keith puffed, rolling his eyes.

"Be prepared to come in behind me from now on because I am amping-up my game" Lance said. "Oh Lance don't get use to it, you are still ages behind me, Cargo Pilot," Keith smirked to himself, he knew Lance could not stand being called Cargo Pilot. Lance stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows in anger. "How many times do I have to prove to you that I am no longer a Cargo Pilot, I am Fighter class, just like you!" Lance said puffing up his chest. "See the difference is I don't ever have to prove myself, it's no competition" Keith smirked. "Dam it Keith!" Lance said through his teeth. "You just think you're better than everyone else, news flash you're not. I can take you down with no problem!" Lance said with his chest high. "Think what you want, doesn't make a difference to me." Keith said knowing exactly how to push Lance's buttons, something he enjoyed quite often. He liked the way Lance was all in, a go big or go home kind of attitude. With such intensity and so much adrenaline, it always fascinated Keith.

Lance threw a punch but Keith easily avoided it. "All bark and no bite" Keith said. Lance threw a kick to Keith's ribs but Keith blocked it way too easily with his forearm. Keith grabbed Lance's leg and threw him off balance. Lance came tumbling to the floor as Keith stood tall in victory. "You were saying? Maybe next time don't talk so big," Keith smirked then turned to leave with a chuckle. This put fire all over Lance's body, he was angry, no way was he going to stay down and let Keith make a fool out of him again. Lance got up without even thinking and ran full speed towards Keith knocking him down to the ground. Lance landed on top of Keith's back.

"What the hell Lance!"

"Shut up Keith!" Lance spit out pushing Keith's face to the floor. "Your done talking down to me, I am just as good as you are, why can't you accept that?" Lance roared in Keith's ear. Keith was trapped, he felt pathetic not being able to defend himself from Lance out of all people. He had to find a way out of this situation; no way was he going to let Lance beat him. He threw an elbow back hitting Lance right in the ribs, knocking the air out of him. Lance rolled over on his back losing his balance from the pain. In those 2 seconds Keith quickly switched their positions. He was on top now, his legs on both sides of Lance. Lance looked up to Keith's face where he again had a smirk. "Damn it Keith!"

"What? Can't handle your own little game?" Keith took both of Lance's arms in one hand and trapped them over Lance's head. Keith's free hand was used to balance himself on top of Lance. Keith's smirk only got bigger as Lance was getting more and more frustrated. He moved all he could to try and make Keith lose his balance from on top of him, but it wasn't working. Keith only tightened his grip on Lance's wrists and straddled him harder. Lance gave out a grunt in frustration not being able to break free. Keith whispered in his ear, "Giving up so soon? Well I guess once a weak link always a weak link." This only sparked Lance even more.

He started moving in all directions with all of his strength to try and roll them over. He managed to knock Keith off of him and switched their positions, Keith on his back and Lance on top. Lance having the upper hand, hovering over Keith. Keith quickly made a fist and threw a punch at Lance's head. "Oh no you don't" Lance said. He extended his elbows pinning Keith's arms under his on both sides. With this move, Lance was directly over Keith no space in-between them. Keith felt Lance's knee rubbing up against his groin. He began to sweat.

I knew you didn't hate me (Klance smut/fluff)Where stories live. Discover now