"Embry, the-the name's Embry Call." He stuttered over his words. As he held out his hand, politely.

Edith quickly took his hand and felt sparks ignite all over her body, the contrast between warm and cold was enough the make Embry gasp but he didn't mind it because he was touching her; holding her.

"Edith, Edith Cullen."  She whispered but he could hear with his heightened hearing.

Embry went over her name a million times over in his head; it was perfect, she was perfect and he could see their full life flash before her eyes. Edith fell in love with his name, it was unusual and she liked it, a lot. She couldn't even process her emotions because she was so happy in this moment that her mind wasn't working correctly.

"So you're a werewolf?" Edith asked Embry out loud and she mentally slapped herself. He chuckled but softly replied with, "So you're a vampire?"

Edith smiled and walked towards the nearest table and grabbed Embry a drink, it wasn't alcohol but at least it would hydrate him.

He let out a simple thanks and Edith shook her head because it was so awkward, maybe it was awkward because of the vampire-werewolf thing.

"I apologise that I'm awkward, I just didn't expect you to be a werewolf. Not that I'm saying it's a problem. Just don't try to kill me, eh." Edith wanted to scream with joy but she controlled her emotions, a little giggle escaped her mouth as his eyes widened at her joke.

They talked what seemed like hours and people were starting to leave since it was late at night, they helped tidy up and Edith was too busy admiring Embry with a cheeky grin on her face.

They had to be brought out of their state of minds when Jacob called for Embry and Esme called for Edith.

They walked into the room, close to each other; skin touching as Embry stood beside Jacob and Edith stood right next to Embry.

Emmett looked at the pair, confused at their friendliness as Edith coughed, moving away from Embry and standing beside her family.

"This could turn into a blood bath." Carlisle stayed the obvious and Edith flinched because she would not lose her family.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked Alice and the rest of the people in the room looked at Alice.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one." Alice said and Edward quickly interjected.

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this." Edward had seen some missing posters displaying his face on them and knew his face by mesmerising it.

"Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper told and looked at Edith who didn't exactly know all the details about this since at the time, she was struggling with her own problems. Jasper had told her a day or two earlier that he would fill her in and this was the time.

"Hold up, what damn army?" Jacob exclaimed as he looked at Bella and back to the Cullen's.

"Newborns, our kind." Carlisle stated.

"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" Jacob Black held a confused expressed and so did Embry and the other boy, who she learned was Quil.

"It means and ugly fight, with lives lost."

"All right. We're in." Jacob looked at his pack mates and they slowly nodded to agree with him.

Edith felt her body slow down, she had just met Embry.

"No, you'd get yourselves killed. No way." Bella stood up looking at Jacob, I suppose Jacob was one of her friends and she cared for his safety.

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob remarked.

"Edward?" Bella questioned.

"No, Embry can't be apart of this war." Edith called out to grab everyone's attention. At least she had her ability to protect herself, Embry was a young pup, the newborns would rip him to shreds.

"It means more protection for you." Edward said towards Bella.

"I can handle myself, Edith, that's what we do. Kill vampires." Embry looked at Edith, she cringed when he said he killed vampires; she was a vampire.

"Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asked Jacob.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob smirked and Edith froze, she really didn't like the idea of Embry fighting.

"Jasper?" Carlisle brought Edith out her daydream.

Jasper replied with, "It'll give us the numbers. Newborns won't even know they exist. It'll give us an edge."

"I don't agree with this." Edith frowned as she started to shake with anger. Just thinking that Embry getting hurt made her die all over again.

He sighed, he wanted to make her happy but he had to agree and stand with the pack. He had just met Edith, his imprint and they were already about to have a heated argument. They had been at peace with each other for a few hours, getting used to the idea of each other. Edith came first but this was essential for protecting Bella and even the people of Forks.

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Bella panicked to Jacob and Edith slowly held Bella's hand for comfort.

"Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy, look at us, we're working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along, remember?" Jacob smugly replied.

"Newborns will crush you all, you don't understand. I just found Embry and if you think that I am going to watch him going into a suicide mission, then you are mistaken. I can handle myself but he can't." Edith ranted, she had had experience with newborns; when she was a newborn, she was out of control, she knew how they acted. Her family soon realised what she was talking about and pieced all the small glances together- they were mates which was extremely rare- almost impossible.

"Edith, I can do this, I'm stronger than you think." Embry spoke out trying to calm Edith.

"If you think I'm going to sit by and watch another mate die, you are very much mistaken." Edith walked out of the room, slamming the door hard and tried to calm herself before she done something that she would regret. She left Embry with her family and they all realised that Embry was her last chance of happiness.

EDITH / Twilightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें