Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Mia’s P.OV*

We ended up having lunch with Emerson’s family the day before school started. They were a really nice bunch, made Mum and I feel welcome. His Mum said we are welcome there anytime. Their house wasn’t what I was expecting, though it wasn’t as bad and embarrassing as Emerson made it out to be. Sure it was run-down and old, but at least they had a home.

Emerson gripped my hand tighter as we entered the graveyard. He wanted me to meet his Father, and as it turns out, our Dads were buried in the same graveyard. He’d be meeting mine too, and if I was going to be completely honest with you, I was nervous.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew Dad would love Emerson, but meeting the parents was always nerve-racking, especially when you couldn’t see their reaction. Yeah, I knew my Father had passed away, but I believed he was still around in some form.

This was the first time since the funeral that Emerson would be visiting his Dad, so I knew I wasn’t the only one nervous.

We weaved our way through the graveyard until we reached Mr. Clyde’s gravestone. He was buried several rows away from mine. I wondered if they knew each other; wherever they were.

Emerson sat on the grass and pulled me down with him. The concrete was tattered and moss was already starting to grow. I helped him clean it up a bit, and it didn’t take long to look new again.

“Hey Dad,” Emerson’s voice was low and soft. “Meet Mia.”

“Hey,” I said awkwardly, my fingers were still tightly wrapped around Emerson’s; I hoped he couldn’t feel me shaking. I felt weird talking to a person I couldn’t see, but I knew it meant a lot to Emerson. We needed to do this.

I leant my head on my boyfriend’s shoulder as he explained to his Father how we met and how long we’ve been together. We even discussed my terminal cancer. I admit, it was heart breaking to see Emerson talk like this, trying his best not to cry, but I was thankful for the moment. He was never close with his Father, so in some ways, Emerson lost more than what I did. I had the chance to be close to my Dad, and I took it, whereas he didn’t.

Soon it was my turn and unlike Emerson, I couldn’t contain my tears. Emerson pulled me into his lap as we rocked, understanding each other’s pain.

Waiting to die wasn’t so bad with Emerson in my life. Without him, I don’t think I’d be able to face the world. Thank you, God, for taking me to the lookout.

I always thought everything happened for a reason. And now, it had been proven.

“Do you remember when I didn’t want us to know each other’s name?” I asked after my tears had dried.

Emerson kissed the top of my head and whispered, “Yes, that was stupid,” he teased. “Why was that?”

I wrinkled my nose and leant further against him, looking passed my Father’s gravestone. There was an elderly man with a border collie walking on the pavement. I wondered who he was visiting, or if he was just taking his dog for a walk. “I wanted you to forget about me,” I confessed. “So this wouldn’t happen… so we wouldn’t get attached… so you wouldn’t regret falling for me…”

Emerson smiled, “I don’t regret falling in love with you, Mia. We were brought together for a reason,”

I nodded, “I agree.” Emerson taught me how to love and how to trust… he showed me that real men really do exist. I knew most boys would leave as soon as they find out the girl was sick or had a lot of insecurities, but not Emerson. Emerson has stuck by me. “No regrets?” I made sure.

“No regrets,” Emerson replied before cupping my chin and briefly pressed his lips against mine.

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