It wasn't entirely what I was worried about but his words did make me feel better. I finished my food and waited for Emy, still worrying about one thing and from the look on Merkell's face he could sense it. He arched a brow at me and Emy inched around so she could look at my face.

"What's wrong, Cass?"

I sighed at having to admit it out loud, "What if it was a one off? What if I can't do it again? Maybe magic was just flowing through me that day and I used it all up, maybe I can only do it when someone I care about is hurt or in trouble."

It sounded very plausible to me and I could see Emy questioning it as soon as I finished.

Merkell, however, was shaking his head and smiling brightly.

"That is not how magic works. It does not just come and go whenever it pleases. It has been awoken in you now and will be there forever, once I show you how to tap into it then you will see. Both of you."

He added when Emy looked like she was about to say something. She seemed satisfied and finished off her breakfast.

"And another rather crucial thing, I do not think Nenny would have told you that you had magic if you did not. She does not sound like the kind of woman to make mistakes like that."

"I hope you're right," is all I said and Merkell didn't attempt to argue with me.

He sat back in his seat with the same, I assumed it was excited, smile on his face and the cup of unknown liquid in his hand. He looked so serene, despite the situation we were all in at that moment, like he was so content and confident in what we were doing. I couldn't detect any worries in him in that moment and I wondered if he knew something we didn't.

Emy and I left the dining room soon after to start our lesson with Blaike and Kaleb. We arrived at the garden we used for their lessons and as expected we found the two of them, plus Kayle, already there.

"Okay, whose butt am I kicking today then?" Emy asked, rubbing her hands together.

I smiled at all three of the guys, who turned with a smirk on each of their faces.

"I do not think humiliating Goof is on the agenda today," Kaleb replied with a bigger smirk and shouldered into Kayle, which moved him a few steps.

Kayle rolled his eyes dramatically, "That's definitely not happening, even if we were sparring today."

"We're not sparring today?" I asked and realised I was relieved that we might not be.

The weather was colder today and I didn't fancy being slammed onto the frosted ground, over and over.

"No we are not, we are going to teach you an array of defensive moves, I think in your world it was called martial arts. It will be similar but designed just for blocking and defending. And you will only be trying it against Kaleb or myself." Blaike replied and barely looked at me, which I was a little glad about in our close proximity.

"I thought we already learned defensive moves, aren't they part of all hand to hand combat? Why are we doing this today?" Emy asked.

She almost sounded deflated, I could tell she wanted to fight with the guys again and win.

"We are... taking it easy today, plus you have not learned all of the moves for self defence." Kaleb nodded down at her and I frowned.

"Why are you taking it easy on us today?"

"Because we all have a lesson with Merkell later, your magic will be tested and worked on. We know how exhausting that is so we do not want to tire you out before it has even begun. It is not just the two of you, we will have to practice as well."

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