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What confused Gerard is that he now sat across from his raven haired model in a worn out cafe booth meant for four.
What confused him more is why Frank even agreed to come.

They sat there in an awkward silence, back ground noise of people chit chatting about their 'dogs sweater they just can't seem to keep on them' and the annoying ring of the bell every time someone opened the door that in Gerard's opinion wasn't centered.

The silence was broken by a sharp intake of air when the shorter of he two, took one of Gerard hands into both of his own, examining it.

It was funny watching frank have to reach out over he table due to his short arm length.

Gerard jut watched Frank examine his charcoal colored fingers, which he didn't bother washing after he had drawn the younger boy.

"Hands of an artist always Intrigue me." Frank breathed, running the pad of his thumb over Gerard's palm, smudging a but of charcoal out so it was a lighter shade of grey.
"Always rough and messy with color"

Gerard chuckled softly ,letting his hand relax in Frank's gentle grip.
"You like it rough and messy ,huh?"

The eldest saw Frank's cheeks flare like the hair on Gerard's very head.
"N-no! Well, I mean -um.." Frank stumbled over his words a bit, seemingly flustered by Gerard's comment.
"Fuck off.."

Gerard broke into a short laughter, admiring the way frank pulled his hands away in fake disgust.
He latched his small hands onto his warm Styrofoam cup instead.

He took a moment to study the lettering on Frank fingers.
The way they crossed over slightly as he held the cup, gave Gerard a good look at what it spelled out.
Both 'bookworm' and 'Halloween' which have obvious sentiment to him, otherwise Gerard doubted frank would have permanently marked himself with them.

Gerard wanted to start a conversation but he had no idea what to talk about. He felt liked he'd bore the younger boy with his nonsense topics.

But before Gerard even had a chance, Frank opens his mouth after taking a small sip of his steaming hot chocolate.
"Why'd you invite me here?"
Frank scrunched up his nose a but at what he had said and decided to rephrase it "I mean like, usually people wouldn't say two words to me, let alone take me out for coffee. "

This made Gerard frown sorry but happy to know Frank wasn't being hit on all the time.
But at the same time upset.
Frank deserved to be attended to and asked out on small dates or even asked out to coffee.
Let him know people wanted to spend time with him.

"You're a cool kid, just liked the idea of being able to spend a bit more time with you is all" Gerard replied honestly, leaving out the part where he found Frank incredibly attractive.

Frank smiled warmly at the taller artist, feeling his chest tighten, knowing Gerard actually liked spending time with him.

They just sat there, taking in each other.
Studying one others features and body language.

soaking each other in through eye contact and shared grins.

They got lost in each others gaze ,until that obnoxious bell from the door tore into the comfortable silence.

Frank felt his cheeks grow warm as he shifted his eyes down at the cup in his hands.

"I thought models were suppose to be tall" frank could hear the smirk in Gerard's voice.

With a sarcastic chuckle, frank shot the older man a playful glare "that's fashion models. Runway models. America's next top hoe- I mean model. I'm just something used for art class. Its something that gives me an income."

"Do you enjoy it?" Gerard raised a dark eyebrow, once again taking the time to create a mental image of the younger boy.

"It can be nice. Just makes me nervous when a group of people keep glancing up at me, drawing me, my imperfections ,probably judging me. Especially when I have to remove an article of clothing "

Gerard felt his lip twitch and his heart nearly skip a beat at the thought of drawing frank in nothing but a pair of boxers ,or even just without a shirt on.
This was defiantly something that would pop up another time and give him an awkward boner at the most inconvenient times.

He wondered how many more tattoos frank had underneath that David Bowie tee..

The red had had to mentally slap himself to refrain from thinking of running his fingers over the ink on Franks soft skin. Kissing each tattoo ,nipping ,sucking at sensitive areas whilst Frank repeated Gerard's name lustfully.

"Hey, asshole. Done starring ?"

Gerard looked up at Franks face once again, seeing the shorter was grinning smugly
"Seem to zone out there. Whatcha thinking about ?"

"Tattoos" Gerard said a bit too quickly, feeling heat rise to his cheeks.
"Your tattoos, they're beautiful. Just wondering if you had anymore."
Nice save, Gerard.

"Tons" Frank smiled brightly ,seeming proud of his inked flesh.
"I'll have to show you sometime"

Gerard bobbed his head, happily agreeing to this "I'd love to see them."

Frank giggled and pulled out his phone, handing it over to gerard.

"Put your number in. I'll text you. Then maybe we can arrange a time where we can hang out again. "

The taller took Frank's phone ,adding his number into the younger boys contacts as 'Gerardxo'

God, he couldn't wait to see this boy again.

"Sounds good ,sugar"

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