Chapter 18

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Ok. So some of y'all comments have caught my attention. That is that you ship Kira with sasuke and others with itachi (not sure) , but I was thinking that maybe they should end up together. I don't know. Please help me decide what to do.

Kira's POV
Today was the first day that out of five days. I still had some time to decide on what to do.

Should I leave without telling sasuke?


Should I tell sasuke and then go?

My head was hurting from so much thinking. This was a decision that could impact his whole life. I don't want him to feel lonely like he used to before he found me. I want him to feel that there is people out there that need him.

I walked to the door. "Maybe fresh air will help me"

Walking down the street I got a warm sensation. They all seemed to be happy. Even there were some who were alone, but happy. Maybe sasuke would be too if a left and he forgets about me.

I still need to think more of what I'm going to do. I kept walking and somehow I ended up in the same tea house that I've been before. I enter and order some tea and dumplings.

Quietly I started to eat when someone sat in front of me. Looking up I saw sasuke. "You didn't tell me you were going out ?"  He ask me.

" I was just gonna take a short walk and somehow ended here" I told him. I tried so hard to contain my self so I would say something that I wasn't sure myself.

"Ohhh. I guess that happens....... Once you are finished with that I'm going to show around" he told me.

"Aren't you gonna choose something to snack on? It's on me" I told him.

"No im not really found of sweets"

"Alright if you say so"

It did not took me long to finish up. Afterwards we went on the walk he had told me about and showed me around the village.

Sasuke showed me many things that the hidden mist village was missing. He showed me stores filled with food. Clothing stores and many more. Something that really caught my eye was the warm atmosphere that was everywhere.

I had never felt like this. Once in a while when Haku and me would go into to town and would try find the essential things that we needed.

Once this trip was over we walked the a nearby restaurant. We ate silently. My mind was still debating in what to do. All this thinking is making me tired.

"Sasuke can we go back to the apartment?" I asked him.

"Sure. I mean we still got some time before the sun sets " he told me while looking outside

"Yeah I know but for some reason I'm really exhausted. I thought that food would give some more energy to keep going , but I guess not" I told him.


I payed for the food and left the building. After some minutes of complete silence we arrived to the apartment. By this time the sun was completely gone.

"I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'm going to sleep."  He told me.

"Then I'm going after you" I told him.

After he took a shower and went to sleep I took a shower. I was still awake. I could not go to sleep with all this thinking.

Frustrated I grabbed my hair and pulled it. "Why must it be so hard"

I can't loose the only family I have left. I silent tear rolled son my face. "When was it the last time a cried?" I asked myself.

"God, please help me make the right decision." I said while looking outside the window.

I hope that tomorrow would be a better day than today. I cannot feel this was for to long before sasuke notices.

"Please sasuke don't hate medir my decisions that I will take. Please " I whisper to him.

And with that I went to sleep.

Next Morning
Waking up is always the toughest thing I do in the day. I got up and quickly changed before sasuke wakes up. I'm going to be honest I have really bad hair in the morning. So I quickly brush my teeth and face. I also brushed my hair to make look decent.

"It look pretty good outside. Maybe we can go train for a little" I told myself.

"Good morning" I heard a raspy voice. I turned around and saw sasuke. He looked dead. He looked he was barely alive.

"Good morning. You looked dead." I told him. He gave me the stink eye.

"Hey maybe we go train later. The weather looks pretty nice today." I suggested.

"Yeah sure. Let me get ready. Then we can go have breakfast. And finally we can train" he told rather quickly because he ran to the bathroom.

"Alright. "

Hello. I'm sorry for not posting in a long time , but I have been busy with school and family (mostly school though) but here it is. There is some mistakes that I will later fix so don't worry.

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