Who Called The Cops?

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"That's low amber" I heard Rose call out before we walked away.

"I'm serious, It wasn't me" Amber said crying as she held her hand over her heart.

"You should be an actress" Rose said as we walked out the Café. When Rose and I got in the car, I couldn't stop thinking about Amber. I wanna believe her but I can't, she kept to many secrets from me and I've seen her "Cry"  When she's trying to get one of her boyfriends to forgive her for cheating. She can't be trusted.

When Rose and I left the café I told her to take me home and she did, I knew when I got home there'd be a lot of explaining going on so I prepared myself for everything I was gonna say. I was gonna run my mom straight through everything that happened. Start to Finish.

"Thanks Rose, I really appreciate it ma" I said unhooking my seatbelt and leaning over the seat and giving her a hug.

"No problem love, I'll always be here for you" She said returning the hug. I closed the door and walked towards my front door, I paused at the door before using my key and entering. I waved to Rose as her headlights was the only thing that lit up the street and went inside the house.

When I got inside the house, it was dark and I looked at the clock and it was 9:40pm, I hope she not sleep, I really wanna get this over with tonight. I walked up the stairs and heard her t.v playing in her room and my mom never leaves her t.v on if nobodies in there so I knew she was probably laying down. I walked in my room and threw my clutch on the bed, kicked my gladiators to the side and stepped out my blue dress and slipped on a white tank top and grey yoga pants. I looked in the mirror as I took off my jewelry and ran my hand across my neck, I can't help but imagine the kisses Jason left a couple hours ago. I feel so bad that he's in there cause of me, I can't help but think about the fact that the night Jason gave me the most pleasure was the night I could possibly loose him forever. I never had any boy give me that much pleasure, I mean sure Christian gave me head just as well as Jason but it was different this time. Jason made me feel like I was floating on clouds, I felt a feeling I never had in my life, and to know that I probably cut off all strings to ever getting that feeling again, is sickening.

"I see you made it back" My mom said startling me cutting off my thoughts as she stood in my doorway.

"Uh.....yea, I was just changing" I said looking down as I fiddled with my hands. "Ma, I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner" I said making eye contact as tears filled my eyes.

"Chastity, listen.......I already knew" She said trying to hold back tears as she left my doorway and went back down the hall to her room, I heard the door close a couple seconds later. I wiped the tears that fell and put my now loose curls into a ponytail. I turned out my light and walked slowly down the hall to my mom's room.

"Ma" I said as I peeked my head through her door. "Can we talk?" I asked as I now stood fully inside her bedroom door. She didn't say anything she just patted the empty spot on her bed, I walked in and sat next to her.

"Ma, what'd you mean when you said you already knew?" I asked looking her in her eyes.

"When I asked you about that hickey, I knew it wasn't from Ryan. I had be suspecting something for a while now, just never said anything." She said turning the t.v down a bit.

"Ooooo......." I Said tracing the circles on her cover. "Are you mad at me ma?" I asked meeting her gaze.

"I was at first. I just wanna know how it all happened" She said looking at me and you could tell she was trying to hold back the lump of tears in her throat.

"That's what I came in here to tell you."

"Ma, about a month ago, Jason and I went to a party. He made out with another girl and I got mad, I don't know why cause we weren't together but I did. So I flirted with his friend Dequan and to get back at Jason I let Dequan kiss on me, Jason walked in and punched Dequan and took me back to his house. We got into an argument and I told him he was just mad he couldn't have me and he kissed me all over my body and told me that he could have me if he wanted me. That was how we discovered we had feelings for each other." I said avoiding eye contact. I looked up at my mom who had both eyebrows raised and was shaking her head back and forth. She didn't say anything so I continued.

JailBaitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora