chapter nine

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Im SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry and I promise I'll explain more at the end of this chapter, love you guys and sorry for the long wait... Also big thanks to all of the supportive and motivating messages to make me update on the last chapter that you guys sent :)


"So has your mystery hero come to see how you are and claim his prize yet?" Nate questioned me as we walked into the gates of prying eyes. Ever since last Fridays 'fight of the year' episode soooooo many people have been looking or trying to talk to me which means another thing started, rumors! When I'm trying to walk around school, when I'm going to the lunch room or canteen, in class people are trying to get any information and yesterday when I was going to the bathroom a group of girls tried to stop me, its annoying! Some people luckily just stay away and still ignore me, which is good. I can't wait for the day when everyone/everything go back to normal, lets just hope that day comes sooner then later.

"Hello? Earth to girl in lala land whose thinking about Mr. perfect?"

"What sorry?" I reply making my weird best friend to break into a over-powering laughter and more people to look my way.

"I said has your mystery hero come to see how you are and claim his prize yet dumb dumb" he answers while still chuckling every once in a while.

"Oh, no he hasn't and he isn't my hero you egg head" starting to giggle to at my own insult knowing how he is going to react.

"My head isn't egg shaped Alexis! How dare you give that obvious fake assumption to our people?! How do you think they will react?!" Nate goes on to practically yell. Unfortunately while he went on about 'our people' and stuff we just have to run into the group of 'mystery hot boys', every other girls words not mine. But of course by the time we realise that the 'bad boy group' is in front of us it is to late and luck is even more against us when I lock eyes with Kaitlin whose looped wastes with a guy with brown hair and green eyes. What's his name again, Brock maybe?

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I didn't see you guys there" Nate pleads as miss dramatic pulls herself off the floor after tripping over when we ran into them.

"You should be! How dare you run in to us! You.. you blind faggot!" (I mean absolutely no offence to this to anyone and I'm so sorry if it did offend you.) Kaitlin yells as other students start gasping and focusing on what's happening this time. But before I can jump in front of her and punch the smug smirk of her face someone else decides to deal with her first.

"How dare you say that to him?!" Jakes voice pounds against the locker hall walls. His blue eyes showing nothing but anger and furry while looking at Kaitlin. Wait those blue eyes?? Yet again my thoughts are broken by miss annoying's voice trying to reason why it was a joke and she was kidding. Looking over at Nate I see his broken face so go over to immediately help him and make sure he is okay

"Hey are you okay?" a questionable voice breaks mine and Nate's hug which I recognize as Zains voice who is one of the guys in 'the group'.

"Sorry but we have to go." Nate's voice replies while dragging me down the isle to our first class. 


"What was that about?" I pass on a note to Nate who has been looking at his desk all lesson trying to find out some answer but all he does is reply with a shake of his shoulders and a quick reply of "later".

I just hope he is okay and that he knows he can tell me anything.



"Do you think he is okay?" Zain asks for the millionth time.

"Yes Zain, he'll be fine trust us." ever since this morning with what Kaitlin said to Nate, Zain has been worrying about him crazy. Now before you ask, yes Zain is gay but he doesn't like to announce it and for everyone to know cause his father is a homophobic sorta guy. That's why all of us get upset or angry when someone bullies another or jokes around about being 'gay' saying it's a bad thing. While Zain continues to ask everyone if they think he is okay I just think about Alexis in that moment. Even when she gets abused from her dad she still laughs and jokes around with her friends. And when Nate looked sad, Alexis was the first one there with him, to make sure he was okay. If I hadn't been there that day when I saw her looking so weak and broken I wouldn't have ever called it cause she is so caring and happy. But then the next question immerges, is it real? Her happiness and laugh? Or has she been hiding it so long that no one notices. I don't know anything about Alexis yet I feel obliged to help her and work out what her real self is and make her happy.

Anyway, what's the worst that a nerdy girl can be hiding, well except for her abusive dad and her blocking??? 


Sorry for the longest bloody wait in history for a update on a bad book but thank you to all the comments on the last chapter and thank you to all the people still readying this book.

I truly love all of you readers so much and im literally so surprised cause this book has now got 78k reads!!!!! 

Im so sorry for not uploading recently actually, for hardly ever uploading but trust me, I'm going to be trying to upload more often and really soon! Im not to proud of this chapter but i really just wanted to put something up and to tell you guys im sorry and i will be trying to make a bigger effete now. 

I love you readers so much and thank you for everything, when im having an upset day literally just your comments make me smile and happy. 

Anyway make sure you....




and Follow!

... And goodbye for now xx

Emily xxx

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