Chapter 6

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Attention !!! I'm changing Blake and hunter around for the racing scene and this scene so now jake hunter and zain did the race ad found out that shadow was a girl and not Blake. sorry if this confused you.

This Chapter Is Dedicated To @Missyfia For Always Being Supportive While Writing This Book And Giving Me Ideas For This Book. Thanks Again.


"Yo-your a gi-girl?" Jake practically yells with his eyes getting bigger at the second and his mouth wide open.

Actually now looking at the other 2 boys they look just like how Jake is with the jaw on the floor and there eyes bigger then before.

"ohh nahh I'm actually a Unicorn I just ate lots of magical skittles to look like a girl" I replied with sarcasm dripping of each word. (I did this because of @Sin4You 's comment on my last chapter lol)

But obviously one of them didn't realise that cause the next thing you know he is Complete aww and is screaming like a little kid saying how he always wanted to meet a unicorn.

As Zain does this we all just look at him like he has two heads.

"okay I new you guys were dumb but this is just stupid for you to believe me on that" I reply in the most done voice.

"of course not you idiot she is a girl" hunter answers looking at him stupidly.

"well I didn't know for all we know she could be telling us the truth so other unicorns didn't know it's her and she can do the real stuff she likes." Zain replies in a 'you never know' voice.

while hunter and jake look at him crazy I'm standing there shocked cause what he said was kinda true.... not the unicorn part but that I am acting as another person to do things like racing and fighting.

"whatever man just shutup and stop acting dumb" Jake states.

"I'm n-"

but before he can say anything else I interrupt by clapping my hands together so they look at me and that's when I continue to talk.

"well while you boys fight I must be of, seeming being here is making me quite bored." I state as I hope back onto my bike and putting on my gloves. "it was not a pleasure to meet you and I hope to never see you again," I say before putting on my helmet and getting ready to take off but before I can someone grabs my arm.

so I open my tinted shield cover on my helmet and ask what in a bored tone.

"what can we call you?" hunter asks in a confused way.

And all I answer with is...


as I rode away from them I looked in the reflection mirror seeing them Shocked as I rode away made me smile a little bit as soon as the smile came it faulted because then came the worry about what if he or the others recognised me and then told my secret to the whole school.

by now I was so worried and freaking out that I didn't even realise that I had rode all the way to my house that had to stop instantly just so I could go down the street to my house.

once there I quietly got of my bike and opened the door and praying that my dad was asleep already and thankfully he was so I walked up the stairs to my room and closed the door.

once I had my shower, got changed into night clothes and brushed my teeth I wasn't feeling to tired so I did a bit of my science homework and other homework I got from my teachers. after I had done all of it I looked at the time realising it was 2 am I got of the seat at my desk and layer myself on the bed and fell asleep straight away as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Jakes pov
(after shadow and them had talked)

as 'shadow' rode away all of us stood there still in a bit of shock.
many thoughts were flying through my head while I watched her speed down the narrow road further away from our sight.

Shadows a girl
Shadows a girl
Shadows a girl

for some reason my head can't register that 'The Shadow' is a GIRL!
and no I'm not being sexist but to be a girl who is
a) stronger then most men
b) is undefeated street fighter and
c) can race like no other girl
you can see why it's hard for me to comprehend.

a message ring tone brought all of us out of our daisy stage. it was hunters phone and as he quickly checked what was sent to him and by who Zain spoke,

"wow, I did not expect that,"

"yeah me either bro," I answered while hunter just nodded still checking what the message said.

when hunter finally looked up he told us that the message was from Zac a member of my gang saying that one of the cameras that we had set up around the town was failing to work so we had to come to the gang house to find the problem.

in our gang the roles go by
Gang leader : me ( Jake )
Second in command : Zac
and Third in command's' : the boys

and out of my whole gang the are the closest to me. the only reason why the boys are a little closer to me is because we are all the same age and go to the same school while Zac is 4 years older then us. He also is the one to set up our fights and races and helps us know what's going on at the house when we aren't there.

anyway because of this information we all hop into the car while Zain's calls shot gun then we are on our way back to the gang house.

once we finally got there and figure out  2 hours later what had happened to the camera we concluded that because of a car accident that included the car driving into the electricity pole we found out it because of the the Internet stopped working and the camera turned off. either way we chose to send out a few men to keep tab of an area in that zone to make sure nothing bad happened.

when we finally finished I was to tired to drive home so I stayed at the gang house and just fell asleep there.

but while I was trying to fall asleep all I could think about was how the shadow was a girl and her eyes. those eyes that had no emotion behind them like she had built walls to cover any trace of emotions many years ago and the colour of her eyes. the bright blue that could keep you memorised for hours just looking at them and for some unknown reason I felt like I had seen them before but before I could continue rethinking my thoughts I feel asleep into another dreamless sleep.


Thanks again for all the support you guys and I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I have writers block and I'm a little stuck on what to write next.

Also I have a competition : make a cover for this book and I'll show the best 5 and give a shout out to those people.

this chapter truly sucks so I'm sorry for that to but please

and Follow

love you nerds lots and please keep supporting this book.

Love E

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