chapter 8

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A huge thanks to AnonymousWriter4Ever for helping me and supporting me and this book!!!

Go check out her wattpad!!


Alexis POV

I jolt up from my bed because of my piercing headache, you know that headache when you wake up the next day after having a few to many to drink.. well imagine that but ten times worse and that is my  headache right now. Wait comfy, warm, soft, how the hell did I end up in my bed? The last thing I remember is going to school and.. oh I remember. The fight in between me and Kaitlin, Me walking home, My father and that mystery guy. Oh that must be how I got here cause I'm positive that my father wouldn't. I wonder what happened to him, not that I care its just if he got bashed pretty bad then I'm in for a few hits tonight. 

After a few more minutes with me having a discussion in my mind I realise that I have been looking at the roof for a while and if anyone walked in at that moment they would think I had run away from a mental hospital. I slowly stretch out my legs over the side of my bed grabbing my side table as my vision circles and my head intensifies. After a few trips, kicking my toes and swear words I make it to my bathroom but when I turned the light on and turned my head towards the mirror I was horrified of what I saw. 

"Shit!" My left eye was blackish blue and was swollen shut, my lip was busted and I had a bits of blood mixed through my hair. My arms and legs had bruises and scratches all over it with what feels like 2 broken ribs.  

Crouching down to my cupboard I get out two painkillers, a clothe and my makeup bag. Yeah i know I'm a nerd but a badass needs her makeup! Standing back up I grab onto the bench so I won't fall back down, once my vision clears and stops circling I swallow the two pills and a turn the tap on making the clothe in warm water to start cleaning up all the scratches and wiping of the blood. After minutes of trying to get all the blood of I resolve to having a shower to wash my hair and get the blood hopefully all out. 

While the warm water pours continuously down my bare skin and the water at the bottom of the shower turns to a grotty reddish brown colour I massage the cherry blossom shampoo into my hair I think about who that guy was. Not any guy but, the guy that now knows where I live and about my dad. Is he enemy or just someone that saw, do I even know the guy and does he even know me? That light brown hair, the Bright blue eyes, I can't feel like I have seen them before, but where? From a fight? A enemy gang? From school? Hopefully not the last two cause then, well sh*t. But then again why would he help me if he was from another gang? 

My music stops playing as I just finish washing my hair telling either my phone is on 20% or I got a message. Turning of the water seeming I am now done, I grab a towel and put it around my now freezing wet body. Grabbing my phone I have a message from Nate 😘 (if you can't see the emoji, its a kissy winky face ;* ) and no I didn't make that his contact name he did I just haven't been bothered to change it.

[Nate = N]     [Alexis = A]

N : Hey Daniel wants to know if your still racing tonight. 

N :  I tried telling him yes but he wants you to say yes that your coming.

N : Oh and you have some explaining to do when we meet tonight about your 'school episode' missy!

A : Hey and yeah of course I'm coming, and Ill talk to you tonight.

A : See you guys tonight.

N : Byeee!

Some times I wonder if Nate is gay or not... I don't bother telling him now about my father and mystery guy cause Ill see him tonight. After i finish drying myself and choosing/putting on what I'm going wear which consists of a white crop top, black skinny jeans, my favourite black jacket and black boots I go back into the bathroom to put my makeup on. I only put some foundation, mascara, eyeliner, little bit of eyeshadow but I don't bother doing the whole shadow eye or anything and finally some nude lipstick. Once I'm pleased with my outfit and makeup I look at the clock and see it 9:30pm, damn. How long was I asleep for? My stomach as if replying to my question starts to rumble making me realise I haven't eaten since lunch. 

Grabbing the 2 min mac and cheese packet and putting it into the microwave I go on my phone and wait.

Jakes POV

"Dude you've been out of it the whole time you've been here" Kyle tells me.

"Yeah and we have all been here for.. 3 hours now" Hunter also joins the conversation while waving his pizza slice in front of my face. I swear this guy can eat every thing in this house and still be hungry.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking" I reply without taking my eyes away from the bear bottle in my hand

"What about?" Zain asked.

"Or who about?" Oscar questioned with a slight smirk forming on his face.

"No one" I sternly replied yet my voiced failed me because my voice cracked which all my close family and friends know that when i speak and that happens that I'm lying. Damn it voice, how could you!

"Aww who? Wait its the nerd isn't it! Is it? Is it?" Blake laughs as my ears start turning reddish with a blush.

"Shut up and you know she has a name right, so use it!" I snap.

"Sorry man I didn't know you were so serious about her, like the other month you didn't even know who she was" Blake replies.

"Nah sorry guys just... I say something I never want to see again and now if I do see anyone hurt Alexis then hell I'm gonna stop them" I state while looking back to the bottle in my hand.

"You wanna talk about it" Zain asks.

I question internally whether to tell them or not.  And end up choosing to tell them, they are my best friends anyway.

"I saw Alexis's dad hurting her this afternoon" my harsh voice replies.

After what felt like minutes of silence Kyle finally breaks it.





Were all of the replies but my mind was far gone again back to Alexis. But one think I haven't thought about before now was that how she knew how punch someone which even I can say as a street fighter was a bloody good punch and that the big blows that were going to contact with her head she blocked. A full grown man who was throwing punches left, right and centre yet she was able to block them. How? 


Hey nerds! Im so so so sorry! And thank you so much if you are still reading my story!

I promise from now on i will update more frequently. 

Also Ive been thinking about changing the name of the book to "Shadow at Night" but its up to you guys! Vote if you want the change of name! Also if i do change it then I need a new Book Cover so if any of you can make me one I will love you forever!

Love you guys heaps and thank you so much for all the support with this book!


Emily xx

The Nerds Secret ((on Hold))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora