I wish

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I wish writing can ease the pain.

I wish writing can be my escape into this reality.

Because right now, everything's a mess.

I don't know how did it happen so quickly.

Maybe because I assume too much.

I hope I can rewrite it and make it better.

But I can't...

Because this is reality.

Mistakes. Choices. Risks. Those are just normal.

You'll encounter problem everyday.

You will get hurt.

You will get down.

You will be beaten up.

You will get broken.

You will be ruined.

You will be a wreck.

And the funny thing is...

Nobody will know.

Nobody will notice.

Maybe because of the smile you're faking.

Because of the mask you're wearing.

And because of the pain you're hiding.

Nobody will hear your heart breaking.

Nobody will see the tears you're holding.

But you're important.

So I didn't mind showing you the real me.

And the real me is weak.

Don't get disappointed...

I'm not as strong as you think I am.

I'm weak.

A coward.

A sensitive.

And lastly, possessive.

Those are just some of my undesirable traits.

Will you still accept me as I am?

I wish... I wish you would...

Will you understand the maze I'm into?

I wish... I wish you could...

I wish I can be brave to save the friendship that we had.

I wish I was brave enough to save myself too.

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