"Father what's wrong with him?" She asked.

"He loses control at times and he attacks. He killed his last girlfriend.  This is why you can't be with him. He'll hurt you."

"No he won't father." She said. She walked and I followed behind her.

"She's fast for someone eight months pregnant." Ace said

"Yes she is."

"Aphrodite!" I yelled and she just kept walking til she was only ten feet behind him.

"Theodore." She said and he turned. She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. He looked at her with red eyes. "Theodore what the hell. You need to gain control." She mumbled.

"Aphrodite!" Leo said and he reached out to grab her and when he did she wimced.

"What the hell Leo that hurt!" She cried and he frowned.

"Don't do nothing he'll attack you!"

"No he won't not let me go!" She said and pushed him away. She took a step to Theodore and he growled. It was a warning.  The look in his eyes was a look of pled. He didn't want to hurt her but he had not control of his beast. "I want Theodore back." She said we yelled at her to stop but she didn't listen. When her brother grabbed her and tried to pull her away Theodore would growl at him and take a step to them.

"Theodore I know your in there." She said. "You can't let this beast in you take over. You control it don't let it control you. Please come back." She said and rubbed her belly. "I want me love back. Dimitri wants his father back." He backed down a little bit. She kneeled and touched his snout and he growled. She stopped and pulled her hand away. "I know you won't hurt me. You would never do what griffin did to me so don't start not."

She smiled and pet his head running her hand down his back. I watch as he relaxed and sat down. He moved so he was beside her. His eye was still red and in his wolf form. I looked at my daughter with amazement.  She hummed to him running her hand down his back.

"Aphrodite." I said and she looked at me I take a step to them but her growled in warning.

"Stay there father." Leonardo said.

"Dite are you ok?" Michelangelo asked and we look at her,she was looking down in her lap. She looked up at us with a pained expression.

"Guys it's time." She said and he frowned.  "He's coming and...want out like now!" She grunted putting Theodore on alarm. We go to hurry to her side but he growled at us. I'm guessing he's still hasn't gained full control or his eyes would be blue. "Theodore their not going to hurt me. Please let them help." She said and he laid back down. I help my daughter up and he looked at me.

"Come on Theodore. My daughter is about to give birth to your first child and I'm sure you want to be there." I said and he looked at her. She smiled and he shifted. He smiled at her and followed being me as we go to the pack doctor. I left the room as she gave birth and he stayed with her. I could hear her cries of pain and frowned. Soon the cries stopped and I frowned.

"Your highness she's asking for you." A doctor said and I hear her cry out again.

"Me?" I glanced into the room and she nods.

"Yes." I walk in and see my daughter. She smiled and looked at me. Her forehead was dripping sweat something I never seen in my daughter before.

"Father I need you." She said and I frowned.

"Me? Why." I mumbled and moved to her side. "I thought you hated me."

"No I don't. I need you here." She reached out for my hand. I smiled and take it. I see her smiled and then she let out a pained cry. Theodore leaned out and mumbled something in her ear and I watch as she smiled and pushed again.

"Oh princess I see his head...a head full of hair." The doctor said and she smiled. "Only a few more pushes."

"Ok." She said and squeeze my hand tight. She pushed once more and frowned. "I can't do it." She collapsed again the bed. She was breathing hard.  "Its to much."

"Prince come on only four more he's he'll be out." She said but she shook her head no.

"I can't." She said.

"Come on baby girl. You be gotten this far you can do it." I said and she looked at me. "Your only have to push for more times and it'll be over."

"Two big pushes and it'll be over." The doctor said. "Doesn't have to be for. Give me two big pushes ok." She looked at Theo.

"Ok." She sat up and grabbed out hands.

"Ok big push princess."

"Ok." She pushed hard and nearly crushed my hand. I see Theo wince and smirked he glared at me.

"Good one more!"

"Ok." And with the last push a cry erupted and she smiled weakly.

"My baby." She smiled up st the ceiling at they grabbed a blanket for him. She sighed and leaned back. She looked at Theo them at me.

"Here you go princess."

"Oh he so cute."

Aphrodite pov

"He's so cute."  He looked just like Theo. "Our Dimitri,theo."

"He's so tiny." Theo said looking at him. He pushed his hair out of his face and I smiled.  My father watched us with a smile. Dimitri eyes was closed and I frowned.  What color are they?

"Here let me clean him off." Amy said and I hand him to her. She took him to a table and washed him off, I watch and smiled. He began to cry and I frowned.

"Theo go to him." I said and he stood. He walked over to him and smiled. He leaned over to him and said something I could hear.

"He has our eyes." Theo said looking and me.


"Blue and green."

"Oh." I said and smiled. "Beautiful."


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